I am so proud of the vision board that I created in my Path Finder class this past week. We were instructed to start finding images in magazines or pictures that speak to us and inspire us in some way. Karen asked us to take our stack of magazines, along with our Love List and our Light Words to a cozy spot (for me that is always my bed) and ask ourselves, “what do I want for myself for this coming 365 days?” as we look at all the ads and images.
The hardest part for me was turning off my judgmental mind enough to just tear out words and images regardless of what they look like. Karen said the selection is not an intellectual exercise, but rather an emotional one. Second most difficult for me was finding the time to actually complete this. I spent an hour one evening, then another the next evening, grabbing snippets of time here and there because this was a priority for me. I envisioned it hanging in the office/creative room of our new house to inspire me all year long. It took about 7 hours total.
Vision boards are examples of the Law of Attraction, a theory which states that if you think positively, positive things will automatically happen. I think the creation of one is definitely a meditative process and I learned a great deal about myself in the making of this one. Karen said “I believe that when you focus and concentrate in a meditative way on what you want for yourself, while engaging your subconscious, you both subconsciously and consciously begin to work towards those goals.”
Our final task is to come up with one word that best describes what we want for ourselves for the coming year. I am leaning toward CONNECT. There’s really no place to put this on the board itself but maybe I’ll attach it above somehow. I want to focus this year on connecting with people close to me, really listening to them. Connecting with myself and what lights me up. Connecting with my senses, emotions, with the now. My favorite image on the board is on the lower left corner of the woman falling down in the snow and laughing. She is connecting with nature and with her young child, letting herself enjoy the moment and have fun. She is colorful, happy, lit up inside. Maybe my word should be LIT UP? Hmm… off to the dictionary I go.
I used a 16×16 canvas and Mod Podge (both to adhere images to the canvas and as a sealant on top). Here it is… I could look at it for hours.

Very cool Naomi!
Love your vision!! I am going to use this idea with the middle school and high school students I work with. Really excited about this because it will enhance the goal setting lessons we are working on.
Yay! Happy to be of inspiration. Have a great day!