Ah, the power of a year. Today my blog is one year old! I love it more than ever and have been surprised at how much it means to me. I’ve been crafting this post for a long time, looking forward to sharing it with all of you!
48 Now 52 people receive an e-mail each weekday with my blog’s content, a fact that astounds me (I am still very pleased that my husband and my mother follow along too). What baffles me even more is that I do not personally know most of you. When I started this blog last year, I didn’t even dream that anyone would be interested in my thoughts, my life, or my photography. I wanted to do this as a record for myself of my growth and to collect pieces of poems or quotations and always have them. I published it (rather than keep it private) because I was working on getting some of my writing published and a blog seemed a prerequisite.
Now look at how things have changed! The blog’s focus at its outset was on motherhood, photography, and writing and it seems to have morphed along the way to be mostly about photography and LIVING A LIFE THAT MATTERS (hence the new header). Poetic Aperture has helped me to develop my photography business, to learn a bit about HTML and CSS and hosting platforms, and has brought me to new classes and creative pursuits and most important, to new friends. I now spend a large chunk of my days on the computer reading comments and blogs and editing pictures. My mindset is positive and hopeful rather than overwhelmed.
That what I write every weekday resonates with others is an immeasurable bonus for me. Every time someone takes the time to leave a comment, I feel like clicking my heels together in gleeful abandon. That encouragement helps keep me going. Brightening someone’s day is the only reward I need. And all my new friends in blogland… it’s impossible to determine how much they’ve added to my life.
I have gotten addicted to checking my stats each day to see who stopped by to visit, how they got there, and what they clicked on. I even made a goal of reaching 100 subscribers someday (see Life List), which seemed so farfetched then but now actually seems attainable.
I’ve created a Statement of Purpose for Poetic Aperture (see sidebar –>), a list of my favorite (and your favorite) posts, and designed a new banner that reflects the new direction this blog seems to be moving. Finally, I created a page of lovely comments I’ve received that I want to remember when I’m feeling less than confident.
So thank you for coming along on this journey of mine. Please let me know what you think of the not-really-so-new purpose and if there’s anything you’d like to see here in the future. Happy day!

Pingback: Blogiversary « A Patchwork Life
I’M SO PROUD OF YOU! i know i don’t get to comment very often, but i so enjoy my daily emails from the blog–keeps me connected to you in a special way. congrats to you dear one–and lots of love!
Congratulations, Naomi! Blogging is such an exciting adventure. I love the ideas you post here and the inspirational projects you tell us about. I enjoy stopping by and always feel better after I do. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Belen. I appreciate your friendship.
Congrats on the anniversary. By comparison, I’ve been writing my blog for 2 1/2 years now and I just yesterday posted my 40th (that’s not a typo) entry. (Until this past December, I was only posting once per month; now it’s at least once a week.) So you’re doing very well. And, that 100 subscriber thing is closer than you think, I’ll bet. My blog went from 16 to 110 subscribers in the past six weeks (semi-regular posting probably has something to do with it :)); I’ll bet you clear 100 by the end of June AT THE LATEST.
Congratulations again.
I’m glad I found your site now that you’re posting more often then! I love it.
What fun, a year! Congratulations on this milestone, I too have enjoyed reading what you write, and the pics you have taken, it’s nice to watch your creative journey. Love love the new header (although sniff sniff…bye bye little girl legs), it’s beautiful!
I know, I love that picture too!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I hope there will be cake
Love your Statement of Purpose, I’m a BBTL-er too.
Christie, cake is an EXCELLENT idea!!!
Well done Naomi! You were so hesitant at first and look at you now
That’s so true! I didn’t know what it’d be FOR! And it’s so fun!
P.S. Copies almost finished!
Mazel Tov!!!! I love keeping up on you guys/being a voyeur into your life!
Congrats Naomi, I read and enjoy your blog each time you post the link on FB. Your photos are really great and love your writing as well.
Thanks, Cheryl. You can get posts by email if you like too by following the blog. xoxo
I am so proud – quite an accomplishment. Happy 1 year anniversary my sweet.
I just found your blog recently, but am so very glad that I did. Congrats on finishing Year 1. Here’s to Year 2!
Happy anniversary! I love reading your blog every day, both to see what insights or stories you will share as well as what I can take away for my own life. I’m so happy for your success! Keep up the great work!
Thanks, mon. So happy that you follow along!
What a beautiful post! Congrats on your first full year of blogging! May you have many more!
{P.S. I’m visiting from the BBTL class!}
Thanks, Chrissy!
I think you have done very well, Naomi. Have had a couple blog-friends fizzle-out after a few months when they had so much wonderful stuff inside of them to share…and we’re missing-out on it now.
I’ve only been aware of your blog for about one month, but find that I look forward to visiting you with each new post. Good luck with Poeticaperture’s future….
Thanks, Scott. That is such wonderful encouragement. I appreciate that you read along.