I’m replaying some old posts while I take some time to relax with my family. This one originally ran 10/11/2011 and got 342 views!
Through Karen’s daily prompts for the Path Finders course, I have created:
- a Love List — a list of things that I love to do
- three Light Words, which represent the activities which light me up
- a vision board, visually representing what I hope for myself over the coming year
- my Word of the Year
- a mind map of ideas to help me actualize my Word of the Year using my Light Words
- an extensive Life List Menu, with all kinds of awesome in store for the future
- a collection of nightly notes, describing what I’ve been grateful for each day
- a collection of countless Morning Pages, doodles, to-do lists, and heaven knows what other ephemera, and finally
- some notes on identifying my “oxygen masks”
That is a lot of work. More importantly, that is a lot of work to have completed in just 4 weeks (and may I add, while packing and moving and unpacking and all that mess). To gain a little perspective, we were encouraged to give ourselves some loving advice in the form of a letter, written as if from our best friend. Since I have wanted to do this for a few days now, the timing was perfect.

I love the way you tend your soul:)
beautiful peace to you
as you rest and play,
Jennifer Richardson recently posted…beauty to believe in….
Thank you, Jennifer!