The other day, I was listening to Brené Brown on a podcast lament the fact that we will never get to enjoy the gifts of so many people because they are too afraid to open up and share their talent with the world. It does require deep courage to take a deep breath and go for it, letting your true gifts come forth.
For me, I’ve decided to look at my art and writing from that perspective. I have something to say and I think it has value. It feels great to let the art and its messages come through me. Now I am trusting that it will touch exactly the right people who need it most. And so I’m putting prints of my artwork in my Etsy shop and I hope you’ll check it out.
I wonder if you usually look at yourself with kind eyes. If not, why not? Why do judgement and criticism come to mind first when we could forgive ourselves and let go of unreasonable expectations? Aren’t we enough just as we are?
I have been creating with this in mind and I’d really like to spread this message. I think so many of us have self-doubt, -judgement, or -blame that is hindering us from fully sharing our natural self with the people around us.
That’s why “Poetic Aperture” is a great name for this blog as well as for my Etsy shop. My own perspective and way of seeing people and the world may be different from most, but I think that’s ok. Part of my purpose is to share that vision with others. Partly that happens through art.
This new piece is all about “honor.” When we approach another person, or the world, or God, with kavod, (the Hebrew word for honor), we acknowledge that there is always something holy in the other since they are a creation of the divine just as we ourselves are. When we view things or people through the soul-trait of honor, we can see the holiness in everything and everyone, which leads us toward finding God in every moment.
It’s a natural tendency to judge other people or feel envy about someone else’s success. Overcoming that downward emotion and focusing our thoughts on seeing from the perspective of honor and holiness isn’t easy, but it feels right.
As long as we are judging others negatively, we are probably doing the same to ourselves. Brené also says that we can’t teach our children something that we don’t believe and already do ourselves. If we want to encourage a child to believe in her choices, we can’t go doubting our own! We should look at ourselves with forgiveness and compassion as well.
Are you not created in the divine image?
Each and every soul is beautiful… why not be you and recognize your own natural gifts? Go ahead… shine brightly! You will make a difference.
Please visit my shop to see more of my art. I would love your feedback on the shop. Do you think I should have the originals for sale as well? Is there something you’d like to see there? I appreciate your input.

Your art is lovely Naomi, and I’m delighted you’re both stepping into your own beauty and light AND encouraging others to do so as well. Your shop is great and I definitely think you should offer originals too.
Deborah Weber recently posted…Beauty School
Thanks, Deborah, for your encouragement!
Such a beautiful creation on ‘honor’ you have here Naomi! The way you describe it touched my heart. It reminds me of what my yoga teacher tells us ‘namaste’ means to her when she closes the class with that word. “The Divine in me honors the Divine in you.”
Elda recently posted…When Family Lets You Down
Oh, I like that!
Naomi, I have tried to write similar blog posts and have found that it’s hard for me to put this idea of honor into words (though that’s the main point of my work overall: to help people discover and honor their divine gifts). Thank you for saying it well and for sharing your words and your art with the world!
Heather Koshiol recently posted…Share: A Framework for Creative Courage
It IS a different way of looking at honor…. seeing some holy part of each person. I find it helps me feel better when I am thinking of others in this way. Even people who are not making smart choices are forgivable since I know I don’t have the whole story.
Naomi- your artwork is beautiful and I’m so happy that you have decided to put them up for sale in an Etsy shop. I know it is a big decision to share something that is so personal to you. But it is so important to share what we do. I still get a knot in my stomach when I’m posting new artwork. But the more I feel comfortable with what I’m doing the less scary it is. Enjoy the process.
Sue recently posted…Comment on It’s a Challenge by Sue
Thank you, Sue. Your 30 day challenge has been fun to watch.
Oh yes…that negative self talk can eat a person up. Thank you for sharing such a heart centered post and you are so right…we all need to keep shinning our own very special lights into the world. <3
Thank you so much for your comment and encouragement!
Being me….it was a struggle. Why is it so hard for us to love ourselves, to know we have worth. Spread the word….we all need to know that each of us is special….Shine on!
Thank you, Debbie! It’s so much easier though, being ourselves! It’s so worth it.
This is wonderful! I do love the flower petals piece and now I’ll be leaving to check out your Etsy shop. Hee! Putting ourselves out there has brought all of us together.
kimberly recently posted…Pine Nut Hunt, or rather pinons or even pignoli…
Thanks, Kimberly! That’s so true. I hadn’t even thought of that.