Superhero Photo: Summer 2011 begins today! I know, I am taking class after class after class over here, but I really am loving them. This class is going to be taught by Andrea Scher, one of the Shutter Sisters. It’s six weeks of “creating a new way into joy, gratitude, and appreciation.” Who wouldn’t want that?!
Anyone out there want to join me? You can still sign up!
What to Expect Each Week
Monday: Every Monday you will be introduced to the week’s theme and given Something to Try. This will be an exercise that is merely a jumping off point for the week and not a requirement. It gives us an opportunity to do one exercise as a team and then we can experiment all week long. There is no hard deadline for each week’s Something to Try. Upload your images to the Flickr pool whenever it’s complete!
Tuesday: Technical Tuesdays are all about simple technical tips that will help transform your photographs. I won’t be talking f-stops and shutter speeds as much as more creative ways to transform your images. If you have burning questions, email me!
Wednesday: This is our day for inspiration. Every Wednesday will be an interview with a photographer I deeply admire.
Friday: Each Friday you will receive a downloadable PDF with some unconventional photo prompts. Think of this as your own personal treasure hunt! You can cut up the fortune cookie size prompts and put them in your bag for when you’re ready to play. As you move about the world, you can keep a keen eye out for these items. When you find them, capture them!
And one more thing… look at this photo that Andrea posted to advertise her course. It cracks me up every time.