More Soul Restoration artwork

Before we begin, let me give you all a warm bloggy hug for your encouraging comments on Monday’s post.  You are the best! Here are some more Soul Restoration-inspired creations:

strong and weak

These two pages are about how each of us has a strong self and a weak self, two parts of us that emerge at different times, but most importantly, it’s how we talk to our weak self that matters most.  Those bad habits may never go away… I need to learn how to wrap my arms around the negative qualities of myself and guide myself toward being better… compassionately and gently.  Everybody messes up; so you learn from it and start over without judgement.

Interestingly, coming up with the negative labels of myself (for the bird on the right) was far easier for me than thinking of positive attributes of myself! These days, though, I’d say I’m my strong self (the bird on the left) at least 85% of the time.  When I do feel overwhelmed, I hope I’ll remember to be kind to myself, just as I would to a dear friend.  (And that label “lazy”… hmm.  I’m not sure where that one came from, but perhaps it’s a clue to why I never sit still?)

Brave Girls Club

The pages above are about overcoming obstacles, mostly self-created, and going forward anyway.

We are also keeping a class journal.  Mine consists of notes from Melody’s weekly video lessons, thoughts, and pictures.  This page below is made up all the leftover “she… anyway”  lines that spoke to me.

Brave Girls Club

Brave Girls Soul Restoration

I blurred some of the above pages but you get the idea.  Sometimes it’s just fun to doodle and play!

See the miracles

Please join me on Friday when I’ll share some of the Truth cards I’ve had fun creating over the past few weeks and again on Saturday for the monthly One Little Word bloghop.  (How is it going to be September already?!)

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8 Responses to More Soul Restoration artwork

  1. Pingback: Restoration and soul crafting |

  2. Pingback: Restoration and soul crafting |

  3. kelly says:

    love this so much as “self-created obstacles” are one of my specialties too. 🙂

  4. You are such an inspiration, Naomi! I’m glad I found you!

  5. there you go inspiring me again!
    love! love! love!
    some beautiful stuff rolling out of your soul:)

  6. stacie says:

    What an awesome class! I’m sure your pages were very therapeutic to work on. Just signed up for the brave girls club 🙂 Looking forward to reading Fridays post and seeing your Truth cards.

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