Hello friends!! Only one more day before some serious me-time! Preschool reconvenes after a very long break tomorrow. Woo hoo!
Since I did this for 2011, I figured I should do the same for dear ol’ 2012. There were big changes this year and then some more subtle changes. It’s fun to glance over my shoulder quickly before racing ahead, I think. Rather than make this all about me, I looked through my posts from the past 12 months to find links in the hopes you may find something that interests you here. Enjoy!
– Maintained a consistent blogging schedule, started a Facebook page, and reached 100 followers (thank you!)
– Joined Pinterest and Twitter
– Was published in Sprout e-zine
– Began creating art on canvas and other forms
– Was the photographer for my sister’s wedding and also officiated at a wedding of a dear friend
– Took some awesome classes: participated in OLW all year, Build a Blog You Truly Love with Liv Lane, Rule-Free Photography with Vivienne McMaster, Swan Dive with Vivienne McMaster, Picture Black and White with Tracey Clark, Inner Excavate along with Liz Lamoreux, A Year With Myself, Now YOU self-portraiture with Kristin Zecchinelli and Meredith Winn, Behind the Scenes with Kim Klassen, Soul Restoration with Melody Ross, Calm Mama, Unravelling with Susannah Conway, Big Picture Bootcamp, and My Crazy Life with Art McCracken. If you wonder how I had time to take all these, I don’t have an answer. I guess I squeeze them in whenever I can!
– Was interviewed by Stacie for her website and Kristina for Moms Who Click on photography
– Created cards and calendars for my Etsy shop
– Opened a Fine Art Shop to sell my photography prints
– Enjoyed participating in fun photo-challenges like Kat Sloma’s Photo-Heart Connection, the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, Paris in July, Lori Moon‘s May Flower Challenge, Liv Lane’s now-retired Little Bliss List, and Random Acts of Kindness.
– Met Eydie in person after meeting her through blogging; such an encouraging and creative soulmate she is!
– Was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award, the Liebster Award, and The Very Inspiring Blogger Award
– Switched from the free version to a self-hosted WordPress site so I can tailor it to my/our needs, add fun plugins, etc.
– Read a boatload of books (see full page here)
– Joined a synagogue, attended services regularly with my family, and joined one of the singing groups there
– Helped my daughter transition to a big bed and become potty trained
– Enhanced our backyard garden by adding roses, gerber daisies, containers, and shelves on the side of the house with pots and other decorative items
Whew! I’m putting together a goal-ish list for 2013 to share soon. See you here on Wednesday!!

DId I ever tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me? (l0l)
WOW! What a year. You shine so bright.
Being with you this summer was defiantly one of my highlights.
I am so honored to be sharing this journey with you. Here’s to flying together.
Sounds like a wonderful year full of many accomplishments! Best wishes for 2013!
Cathy H. recently posted…Count, Stop, Snap
Way to go Naomi!! Look out 2013!
It was a great year for you. Helps to see it in black and white doesn’t it? Congrats.
Linda Cohen recently posted…108 Sun Salutations
So it should be easy to improve on THAT, slacker! Heeheehee! Just reading it makes me want to go back to bed exhausted! What an amazingly productive year you’ve had! Super huge congratulations!
janet forrest recently posted…My One Little Word 2013
You made me laugh out loud, Janet! My aim for 2013 is to slow down big time!
Congrats on all you have attained. Enjoy this last day with your daughter. Too soon she will be off to college like my two – much too soon. xoxo
I woke up in a tired frame of mind and then I read your comment (and had a cup of coffee) and felt better able to do one more day.
thank you.