I began creating this vision board for the year in the middle of January, looking through magazines for pictures that spoke to me and inspired me in some way. I was asking myself, “what do I want for myself for this coming 365 days?” It’s an emotional exercise, not at all intellectual.
Vision boards are examples of the Law of Attraction, a theory which states that if you think positively, positive things will automatically happen. I think the creation of one is definitely a meditative process.
I used a 14×14 canvas, coated it with black paint, and Mod Podged the pieces together. You can tell that it ended up being mostly about art – creating it and the supplies used to create it. I also have a huge dream of being featured in Artful Blogging magazine someday, so I want to submit an article to them this year. Spending time with my sweet hubby is another major goal.
I love the colorful teacups, the Christy Tomlinson scrapbook paper, that little red house with the word-covered roof, and of course, the blogging reference. As a blogger, I am constantly looking at my own life experiences for material to share here.
I think the word create is in here at least three times!
I cut out this definition on the packaging material for some Evalicious buttons.
I LOVE that hand in the top right that’s grasping onto the guy’s sweater with need and passion. And this text above reminds me of the fabulous friends I’ve been meeting online lately.
I’ve heard that the actual meaning of a vision board doesn’t become apparent to its creator for a while. I can look at last year’s board now and notice many aspects that are hugely relevant in my life now. That is absolutely amazing to me. So if you have any revelations about me that I won’t learn for awhile, do tell. 🙂

Oh wow! This is amazing! I’ve never even heard of a creative dream board! I’ve been missing something!! It’s wonderful, it’s inspirational, and it’s beautiful!!
Cathy H recently posted…Big Mistake
I just looked at your board from last year…equally beautiful and inspiriting!
Cathy H recently posted…Big Mistake
It’s me again!! Don’t laugh!! My memory is getting shorter as I age! I wanted to encourage you to submit an article to Artful Blogging. That is my all time favorite magazine. I devour it slowly and repeatedly!! Your blog would be perfect for it!
Cathy H recently posted…Big Mistake
Thank you for the encouragement, Cathy! It’s a huge dream of mine… My favorite magazine too by far. I am trying to find a good angle for an article… Maybe something slightly original. It’s tough!
I’m pretty sure I made it up, Cathy, but maybe there’s something to it!
love this so much naomi! love the color and your choices of images. the idea creativity and passion really come across. i need to get busy with my olw vision board, so thanks for the inspiration!! 🙂
Me too. I made this one BEFORE seeing our February assignment so I’m going to do another smaller one for “stillness” because its really completely different.
It’s awesome Naomi! How fun & colorful. I’m having art withdrawal right now…really hoping to have time for Life Book this week.