Every single month when it’s time for another One Little Word blog hop, I say something to myself like, “How on earth is it … already?” I suppose I’ll spare you this time and just think it to myself.
Hello to those of you blog-hopping today! This blog hop is my favorite part of Ali Edwards’ One Little Word class. This month Ali asked us to create a vision board for our word (stillness is my word for this year).
“The board itself doesn’t impact reality; what changes your life is the process of creating the images – combinations of objects and events that will stick in your subconscious mind and steer your choices toward making the vision real.” ~ Martha Beck
Since I just created a very busy board in January that ended up being about the creative process and art and since last year’s vision board was just ask busy, I decided to keep this one simple. Sometimes the space between the words and images is important, don’t you think? This one comes mainly from images I was drawn to in the recent Crate and Barrel and J. Jill catalogs, with a bit of Oprah thrown in for good measure. 🙂 I find that I can’t seem to keep the search for stillness images in mind while I’m reading a magazine… I actually have to look through it twice!
Apparently, it’s true that I’m drawn to soft textures, comforting cups if coffee or tea, and sleep.
Our full list is at the end of this post. You can see other posts about my OLW project here.
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Lee: thelinarstudio.typepad.com
Cheri: cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Lisa: Backtoallen.com
Michelle: table-for-five.com
Kara: iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Margareta: paperpilekitten.com
Karen: womenontractors.blogspot.com
Nikki: www.inkyart.com.au/
Melanie: mellybirddesigns.wordpress.com
Angela: angelanoel.com
Kathryn: katlodesigns.com
Jackie: blog.jacquelinewolven.com
Dona: orangegearle.blogspot.com
Paige: approachingjoy.com
Ruth: suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Kathleen: jkplusthree.blogspot.com
Missus Wookie: mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com
Naomi: poeticaperture.com
Kelly: septemberblue.net
You can see more “Behind the Art” posts here.

I have such a sense of calmness and warmth when I look at your board! So lovely and warm. Well done (as usual) 🙂
Lisa recently posted…Six Things I Didn’t Learn in High School
Aww. That is so nice of you to say!
Bettyvision loves your stillness vision board. We invite you to visit our supportive online community where women come together to create virtual dream vision boards, assign milestones to achieving their dreams, and find support in realizing their dreams. If you can IMAGINE it, Bettyvision can help you CREATE it and SHARE it!
It’s a perfect representation of your word.
Cheri recently posted…One Little Word Blog Hop – March
so much lovely softness and peace in your board naomi. feels like a giant exhale. 🙂
kelly recently posted…Springing to Life
Oh your board looks still and nourishing. There are times I miss catalogs just for the inspiration. Oprah is the only non specialized magazine I read do love it.
Missus Wookie recently posted…OLW 2013 March 1st Blog Hop
Your board is lovely – cozy and welcoming. Love it.
Lee recently posted…ONE little WORD | March Blog Hop
Your beautiful board does illustrate your word very well! It made me slow down, just take a moment and soak in a little stillness!
Cathy H recently posted…Finding Your Eye: Journey Of Fascination ~ Apologizing
Beautiful board and perfect for your word.
Ruth recently posted…One Little Word Blog Hop: February
That looks absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing!
Margareta Carlsson recently posted…One Little Word March Blog Hop!