What’s the point of having goals if you write them and then forget about them??? I am going to do quarterly checkins this year to make sure I move forward with these. How about that, folks? I’m pretty proud of myself already. 🙂
I’ve broken the goals into two main categories, Success and Needs Work. In other news, I’m actually making progress with my life list.
Continue striving for compassionate action (a mitzvah a day). Focusing on the needs of others helps our own heart expand. So far, so good. Feel free to catch up on my kindness archive. It’s not too difficult to find something each day and it helps me get out of my own head for awhile.
Time to create just about every day. Work in progress here…
DO BIG THINGS. I was the Featured Artist of the Day on Brave Girls Club a couple weeks ago. I reached out to someone successful to seek advice, I submitted some writing for publication, and I wrote a guest blog post for Kind Over Matter. I was asked for some of my photographs from a community event for publication on a website. NONE of this would have come about if I hadn’t been brave enough to put my writing/art out there.
Be responsible for my own happiness and try very hard to create my own weather. It’s been mostly sunshine around here. I am using music and art to change my moods.
Backup all photography files from three external hard drives onto a wireless drive. Yes! I put those hard drives in our safety deposit box and I feel peace-of-mind. Even better, we can access the shared drive from our TV and see all our old videos and photos.
Participate in One Little Word (my word is “stillness”) and post an update here each month. Also, be more “in the moment” with my daughter. My OLW is helping me remember to stop my own busy-ness when I can and focus on watching and appreciating her.
Participate in My Crazy Life, Life Book 2013, and A Year With Rilke and share creations here (and I am going to try VERY HARD not to take other classes since these will keep me busy). In combination with simplifying my online life and my time in general, I cancelled my participation in My Crazy Life and I decided not to do A Year With Rilke. It’s been simple not to sign up for more classes. When they come up, I just delete the messages.
Count my blessings every day! When I begin to feel negative, switch the focus to what is good. Thank goodness for my hubby. I can really obsess. It really is all about perspective.
Minimize whenever possible. I have unsubscribed to many junk emails I used to get and I simplified my Google Reader subscriptions with the goal of getting all my favorites either by email or via RSS in Mac Mail. There is still household clutter to sort through and still a ton of magazines to unsubscribe to.
Try try try not to compare myself to others or my art to others’ art. Enjoy my own creative process for itself. Definitely needs work. 🙂
Take two overnight trips with my husband sans kiddo. But we are doing better at connecting at home. We have watched some movies after my daughter goes to bed and we talk much more throughout the day.
Edit and upload the rest of my art photography to the fine art site. I did a few but I have about 1000 to go. Oy.
Update this site with category links, new pages, plugins, etc. Have not even thought of it. I did spruce up the header and sidebar widgets though.
Most important: I want to connect with you! If you care enough to subscribe to these posts and even leave a comment, then I want to know more about you. A main goal is to CONNECT with you this year (follow your blogs, interact more, etc). When it comes down to it, these connections we form are the substance of life. I value them very highly and aim to treasure them.
I think we are growing. I’ve upped my FB and Twitter presence. I’m trying to interact more. I’m having fun!
Tell me, what would you be interested in seeing or reading more of here? We are a growing group and I want to make sure you each feel you’re gaining some inspiration when you stop by. Please share what you like or what you want more of in the comments! I treasure hearing from you.

I’d say you are doing pretty well with your list … it’s a long list and you’ve accomplished a lot of it!
Also, you must tell me more about this wireless server!
Original comment from Becky on March 27:
I just like reading what you are up to all the time since it seems like we don’t see each other in person enough anymore!!
Original comment from Island Traveler on March 29:
Your work, creativity, courage and success inspires me my friend. You followed your heart and what makes you happy. It is very rewarding and uplifting when people appreciate what we do, big or small. Thanks for the motivation and this, “Count my blessings every day! When I begin to feel negative, switch the focus to what is good.” Optimism followed by hard work and faith goes a long way.
Goodness I am exhausted just reading all this, you have been so busy. And making so much progress. I think the connecting thing is huge. I have made much more of an effort this year as well, but I feel at a more confident, comfortable stage to be doing that as well. Keep up the wonderful progress.
Thank you for saying I’m making progress! That feels good and is enough permission to just relax for awhile. 🙂