This month Ali invited us to do two things: (1) pick something to let go of/release in your life and (2) connect with your word through photos.
1) These two love birds are still making our backyard their home and I love seeing them every day; 2 ) This 10-day e-mail reminder was perfect for reminding me to make space and slow down; 3) The three of us had a sort of stay-cation in Galveston, staying at a condo on the beach rather than with my parents. It was really fun to concentrate solely on being together and relaxing; 4) Daily walks outside or on my new treadmill helped me cherish my body more. Eating healthy foods helped my energy levels too; 5) I’ve been working through some of my favorite phrases and making little art canvases. I’ve got some in my Etsy shop; 6) I finally have all my paints up on the wall! Thanks to my handyman for fixing my botched effort; 7) Loving Brené Brown’s e-course, part 2; 8) Mo had to have a special procedure at the vet, and after the first test, we had to take him back for a retest, but we couldn’t ever find the guy. It was a month of trying to catch him and rescheduling appointments. He was afraid of me for once, which led me to extra cuddles for him. Turns out he is fine, thank goodness; 9) As I write this, my sweet girl is home sick with a fever, leaning against me and whimpering. Still, she is sweetness itself. I cherish her so much.
If you’re interested, you can read previous One Little Word posts here. On Friday, we’ll be joining in another Photo-Heart Connection. Thanks, as always, for being here.
swooning over your creative space, Naomi…..a candy store for the kid inside:)
I so admire your self-caring and the slice of life you carve for it.
Well done, you…..thanks for the sweet inspire,
Jennifer Richardson recently posted…a long, slow bloom…
Love these updates. And how awesome is your paint on the wall rack?!
Deb @ home life simplified recently posted…Breathe and trust yourself
Thanks, Debra. I found the idea on Pinterest and tried copying it. There are quite a few unnecessary holes in the wall!
Your letting go statement is so beautifully put and I love how you are embracing a different path. Sometimes we have a need to be slow and sometimes we have a need to hurtle towards life at 100 miles an hour but I believe if we try and go against our current needs it just makes everything a bit messy and then life can’t be cherished because we are too busy trying to work against ourselves.
(I have absolutely no idea if what I just wrote makes any sense so hope you get what I mean.)
That makes perfect sense. Following our intuition is always the best way forward, isn’t it? I like how you put it. Thank you so much for coming to visit!
Yes so glad Mo is okay. That must have been a scary time. Am struck by the fact that you stayed in a condo on the beach rather than with your parents. I’ll bet that took some thinking and planning. Good on you to make that decision. Loved the photos from that time – you looked like you were all enjoying life to the fullest.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Timing IS Everything In The Renovation World
It just seemed sort of like more of a vacation. We love staying with my parents too.
I am glad the kitty turned out to be OK, and I hope your daughter recovers immediately! I am sure she is getting the best of care. Congratulations on the walking routine. It has got to be one of the best exercises to do your entire life. My grandfather used to walk every day, and we are celebrating his 100th birthday in July.
That is so wonderful! My own grandpa is about to be 90 and both of them are healthy, thank goodness. Thank you for the well wishes for my daughter! She’s right here next to me.