Friends, I’m taking my usual blog break for the remainder of December. Thank you all for reading and traveling along with me on this journey. There have been many times when your comments have made my day! I appreciate each time someone takes the time to reach out and respond. I hope my writing continues to resonate with you and make a difference.
I wish each of you a pleasant holiday season and a happy new year. I’ll be back on January 12.

Yay you Naomi. May you have a lovely rest of the month and I hope you give yourself the gift of some exquisite self-care and nurturing amidst your holiday festivities.
Deborah Weber recently posted…Reverb 14: Rituals
Good for you! Have a great blogcation.
Linda Watson recently posted…Bookmark Moments of Gratitude
Poetic Christmas blessings, Naomi! Love the slice it in half advice. Enjoy the break and see you on the flip side when we roll into 2015! I believe 2015 is going to be a stellar year!
debbie recently posted…Holiday Intentions and 10 Creative Gift Ideas!
Have a good December break! I am counting down the days until the sun will start rising earlier again. The darkest days are always a little hard on a solar house, but we’ve been doing pretty well so far. After some totally cloudy days we did have to run the generator, but we have not needed to use any propane for hot water, or to fire up our furnace.
Good for you to take some time off from blogging. I have not been around much either and I am finally ok with that. I just can’t keep up with everything this time of year, and you will find the older you get you pick and chose the things you really want to do and the rest just doesn’t matter. I probably have one or two more posts in my before the end of the year. We will see. Have a wonderful season with your family.