Sure, it’s nice to have a different schedule for awhile. It’s nice for my daughter to have a break from school and to separate from those friends for a couple weeks. It’s absolutely great for Mr. B to slow down from his frantic pace and frequent travel.
Winter break means 17 days (that’s 255 waking kid-time hours) t o g e t h e r.
Introverts need space. In order to recharge our energy after being together, no matter what we were doing together, we require a little time alone to refuel. I thought I was smart in setting up some personal boundaries for myself in advance. Sweet Girl (I’m just going to start calling her SG here, ok?) went to an art camp for a few hours each day and Mr. B went to work. All was moving along swimmingly.
Until it wasn’t. Now I don’t want to sound ungrateful. I love my family and I love playing Battleship and Princess Uno and watching High School Musical 1 and 2 and 3 as much as any mom. It’s just that the constant togetherness started to annoy me. When I was being followed around the house, even to the bathroom, constantly, I began to fray around the edges.
Then we went on a Disney cruise. (I could probably stop there and you’d get the point.) Maybe I was the only one of my family (and anyone everyone else I told about the cruse) that was NOT looking forward to a week away from home, with 2000 other travelers, mostly children, with animated plastic people walking among us all week. I don’t love parties on a good day, but a Pirate party or New Years party in confined spaces with fireworks and loud music and no escape except overboard? Yikes. And SG is usually afraid of characters in masks and costumes. Like seriously afraid. So I wasn’t particularly looking forward to someone jumping into my arms every few minutes because she sees Goofy coming.
I notice that in situations like this, not only do I retreat inward, but I appear so unlike myself that Mr. B starts to think we’re going to need an emergency trip to the psychiatrist. This is us the days prior to going on the cruise: My to-do list included a few hundred tasks involving preparing the house, animals, and petsitter, packing myself and my daughter, paying all the bills, charging all the devices, emptying the refrigerator, making sure we had sunscreen, bug spray, small bills, travel documents, luggage tags, etc. Mr B’s to-do list included packing himself and getting everyone out of the house so I wouldn’t snap at anyone because I needed personal space. (It may have also had something to do with it being just prior to getting my period, which we all know is not the best of times.)
To make a long story short(ish), obviously I didn’t jump or throw anyone overboard. There were some many times when SG was so anxious that I thought she was having a panic attack or something, but for the most part, she loved the trip. SG and I ended up sleeping in the same bed. I didn’t get much time alone or just with Mr. B. But we had fun, made family memories, and SG had an absolute blast.
And now she’s in school again! I am loving life, soaking in the quiet, resting, catching up, and finally unwinding.
So that’s what’s been happening over here. How are things “in your neck of the woods?”
Oh, and Happy New Year from me (and Brewer the dolphin)!

I’m sorry to say that I don’t think I could have done that cruise. To many kids and believe me I love kids but basically only my own and being on a ship would gave sent me over the edge. I’ve been on cruises before but not with kids and I didn’t really enjoy being so far away from land. So, in my opinion you did a great job and I’m sure you made many beautiful memories. S.G. Will always remember this as a happy time. Now go out and enjoy being alone. I relish that also and can relate to this post in a much different way. Your such a good Mom. Happy New Year Naomi.
I love kids too, but usually just those I know… not always everyone else’s! At least you know yourself and what you like doing for vacation. 🙂 Happy New Year!
I really identified with your feelings about the cruise. To me, it sounds a lot like being locked inside a casino for a week, with the ceaseless noise, crowds and other discomforts. I am glad you got through it OK, and your sweet girl overcame her fears. I don’t think I’ll ever go on a cruise. Over the holidays we stayed home, shoveled plenty of snow, and visited my husband’s mom in the nursing home. This week I’ve gotten out on cross-country skis a couple of times. That’s been fun! I’ve been feeling anxious, maybe partly because the stock market has fallen so fast. I’ll be OK, I have made it through bear markets before.
OMG thank goodness Disney cruises don’t have casinos. I hate walking through them. This wasn’t nearly that bad. Your winter time sounds lovely to me. 🙂
I feel your pain. My family was mostly around from Christmas Eve until this Monday morning. I took as many walks as I could to get away by myself, but then Glen gave me walking with me for the year as a Christmas gift, which I am sure I will appreciate in a few weeks after I had some time alone. Well we made it through and can now enjoy our time alone again 🙂