In my 6+ years blogging, I don’t know that I’ve ever had a lack of things to share here. Until now. You may have wondered why I haven’t been posting the past 2 weeks. As much as I feel I owe you a post every Monday and Thursday, I seriously doubt you’d appreciate just a random quotation… because I don’t truly have anything to say.
Every day life has been sort of low key lately. The flowers are blooming happily in the garden, we are reading our way through Harriet the Spy at bedtime, Sweet Girl has 4 more weeks of first grade. In case you’re wondering, here’s what I’ve been up to.
READING a ton.
Buddhism for Mothers of Schoolchildren
I have wonderful memories of spending winter vacations with my family doing big puzzles and watching movies. I don’t know what’s calling me to these now, but I like the time to sit still and think while my mind is busy with something tactile. It’s similar to creating art. I pulled a card table into the living room so I can still be with the family.
I am making a real attempt to lose some weight and feel healthier. I’d like to be more light on my feet again. So I am walking 30 minutes every morning, taking 10,000 steps a day, and eating more fruits/veggies and less meat and chocolate.
I’ve been reading The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days! about the crazy things in our food. I am changing to organic, additive-free, hormone-free food and drink where I can. No more microwave meals loaded with salt and preservatives. No more soda. I can’t BELIEVE some of the chemical poisons in what we eat… processed sugars, sugar alcohols, emulsifiers, stabilizers, carrageenan, natural and artificial flavors – poison, dyes and colorings (many of which are potential carcinogens), artificial sweeteners, growth hormones and antibiotics, and genetically engineered syrups. Many of these are banned in every country except the good ol’ U S of A.
I am just at the beginning of learning about this, but I already feel better and cleaner. It takes a lot of time to plan, shop for, and put together our meals, which is the main reason I didn’t want to make the effort, but that’s time well spent.
And then, you know… life. Renewing my drivers license, going to a few board meetings, volunteering at school, helping some friends whose house flooded again, getting ready for Passover, general stuff. I seem to be going to a grocery store at least once a day.
What’s been happening with you? Do tell!

So fun that you have added 30 minutes of walking in the morning. I started a 100 day commitment to walk 30 minutes daily. I am on day 16. I even walked in the rain for that week we happened to have rain every single day. I am enjoying this. Are you on Twitter? I am posting a daily #naturephoto of my #beautywalk to help keep me accountable. Would love to have you join me if you are on there.
Looking forward to hearing about The Food Babe book. I met her last year in April at a health and wellness conference in California and got her book back then but am embarrassed to say that I haven’t read it yet. I had been subscribed to her newsletter for quite some time before that but have since really pared down my email inbox. You have inspired me to at least get my book out, thanks!
Elda recently posted…But He/She Is So Stubborn!
Funny you should suggest that because I have two posts already scheduled with pictures from my walks! I will find you on Twitter so we can help keep each other accountable. This morning, I was so tired that I was going to skip my walk but a friend ended up walking with me, so I know all about how accountability helps!
I’m always curious and interested in the cycles we all have – and how often we blog and about what are certainly part of that. I’m glad to hear you’re finding ways to nurture yourself. I haven’t done a jigsaw puzzle in ages, but I quite like them and am very good at them as well. My cat thinks she is as well.
I’m feeling the pull of Spring’s increased creativity and my mind is bursting with ideas I want to implement. Happy May!
Deborah Weber recently posted…The Merry Month of May
Indeed… happy May to you too!
I TWEETED it for today’s sharing challenge!
Amy Putkonen recently posted…#WeekendCoffeeShare Blog Hop – I’m a Newbie
Congratulations, Naomi, on your lifestyle changes. That is great. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. My husband has lost a lot of weight from us giving up sugar for a few years and yesterday he bought some new jeans. It was the first time SINCE COLLEGE that he was able to fit into “normal sizes” in the store. He told me how he used to just have one choice of jeans and now he has different cuts, and many different brands to choose from, etc. He was excited talking about clothes shopping! And all because he figured out that sugar is poison and he stopped participating.
Your puzzle pieces took me back, too.
I loved that feeling of lingering over a puzzle….so meditative.
I don’t do them anymore because I don’t like to clutter up a surface
but the card table idea…..yes! Thanks for the inspire. I don’t know
if we even have one anymore! Time to go see…..
I love how you share your days. It’s beautiful; please don’t stop:)
I had to laugh, our posts had a funny similarity today. I also said just a few minutes ago ‘ our ‘U. S of A’ . I’m happy though to feel your happiness, your ease of life and quiet peacefulness. Isn’t that the perfect thing to share with us? Love ya Naomi.
Kimberly Jewell recently posted…Day 241 – Reading Lots of Great Stuff
I’ve missed your voice. So good to hear from you. Life is ready to change once again in Taberville as we ready for Anna to graduate college and move to NYC. Change is hard. Change is awesome!! Love to all. Lori
Thank you, Lori. That is nice to hear. Wow, your baby is already out of college??? I so wish I’d moved to NYC after school. Missed my chance I think.