While I was away from the blog, I would still get notifications from Facebook saying some number of people had liked a post or from WordPress saying someone had signed up to receive emailed posts. It got to feeling that MORE people were reading than when I was here writing! It was like people looked around and said, “Hey, where’d she go???”
I’m here and I’ve missed you! Having a limited amount of time and energy really sets the agenda sometimes and forced me to make some hard choices. I still don’t know if I made the right ones, but it’s done and everyone is fine.
The book fair was great. We sold thousands of books and gave books to kids who couldn’t afford to buy one. I brought in a children’s author and illustrator and put on 2 assemblies. We had teachers volunteer to come to evening story times. We gave 300 books to classroom libraries. We raised enough money to buy hundreds of books for the library and even some much-needed technology for the school. I decided before the craziness even began that whatever results we had, it will be a success because we are getting books into kids’ hands, celebrating reading, and bringing a team of caring people together. I have absolutely no idea how we’ll ever “beat” these results next year, but I don’t know that we have to.
Our backyard construction is moving right along. There have been people in our back yard almost every day, banging away and making a mess. Here’s what I am looking at today…
The garage is framed and the roof is on. We actually got a new roof on the entire house because of a hail storm last January. Next comes electric, plumbing, and bricks.
Mr. B and I celebrated 15 years of marriage. We haven’t really gotten to spend much time together lately with his nonstop travel and my projects, but we finally escaped to reconnect. Sweet Girl turns 8 this week and is a lot more grown-up than before.
On the whole, things are really, really good. I appreciate my friends and family, the house and the sunshine I am sitting in now as I reflect and write. Yes, I’m tired and feel a little slow-going today. But I recognize the luxuries we have and am incredibly grateful for them all.
I’d love to hear about how you have been. In the coming weeks, I will be visiting your blogs, returning your calls, reaching out to see what’s new. I don’t think I’m sending out holiday cards this year, but that may change too. 🙂 Tell me what’s been going on with you…

I just returned from my own hiatus last month. Welcome back, and great to meet you all rolled into one!
What an amazing book fair you had. I certainly can see how that could be a better use of your time than blogging. I have basically abandoned Twitter, so I am missing things more often. Facebook is so annoying sometimes how it engineers my news feed, and I know I miss some important posts. I have less free time in some ways, being home now. I now live in just one place! I don’t have to commute any more! I am still working for UNAVCO, in Boulder, but I work from home, only half time, and I appreciate having a much simpler (although sometimes a bit too quiet) life. This year we upgraded all 3 solar systems, we got lovely new reflectors in front of our basement, we added 4 new panels to our PV array, and we have brand new heat exchanger for our solar hot water. All three systems are working great, and we have not had to run the furnace yet this winter, although the temperature has gotten down below zero a couple of days, and we’ve had quite a bit of snow.
I have let Twitter go as well. I can’t check more than one thing! I can never keep up with it all and I’m pretty ok with that. Your home and simpler set up sounds great! I’m happy for you. 🙂
Welcome back!!! As a lover of books, books, and more books…I must say that it pleased me to read about all the books that were sold, gifted, and donated. And it’s nice to hear that the library is doing well. FUN…
Happy Anniversary!
Elda recently posted…Get Over It
Thanks, Elda. Me too! That’s an event close to my heart. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo
You have been a busy girl! Happy Anniversary! Happy Birthday to that sweet girl! You were definitely missed and so good to see you back. I understand completely…sometimes you just have to let go of some things to make room in your life for others….but always nice to ‘open that door’ back up when things settle a bit. You know what I’ve been up to…over at my blog posting a new class. That is my focus at the present. Trying to get organized and ready to film more tutorials on my painting process. All this while traveling west for the winter is a bit of a challenge, but it is what I do!
Debbie Goode recently posted…Comment on New Course Available! by Naomi Wittlin
It sounds like an ideal life… travel and art and teaching and blogging… ah! Thank you for all the nice things you wrote!