If headlines like “7 Ways to Organize Your Cleaning Supplies” or “8 Storage Tricks for Any Bathroom” stop you in your tracks, you’ll love this special issue magazine. I absolutely love this issue! I might have purchased it at Lowe’s but honestly I can’t remember. It’s set up so that you can do one project a day for 30 days, all of which are fairly simple. They go room by room, dividing it up by section, and show lovely photos and give a few simple tips for each. One project, for example, is just about the top of your dresser. That’s doable, right? I think the entire issue is pretty to look at and rather motivating.
Get Organized in 30 Days or Less is arranged in these sections:

A couple of the inspiring photos in the magazine:

Below are a few key ideas I liked:

Make a list of everything you want to declutter, prioritize the areas, and then itemize each area into smaller segments. You’ll get a sense of accomplishment if you tackle one small project at a time.
So sorry to be a nerd, but I plan to color code my moving boxes by room, so I started assigning the colors here. Eye roll please. I may have to have a spreadsheet too. I know, I know.
Make arrangements to get things out [of your house] as soon as you collect them so you aren’t creating more clutter. Mr. B sent me this hilarious article in the WSJ about how donation sites are overwhelmed because of Marie Kondo.

This is how I tackled my spice cabinet, and even then, it took about a week to finish (and I’m not totally done). You can see that I went from cabinet to drawer. My spices were years old, so it was a no brainer to get new and smaller containers.
Use hooks, pockets, and racks on cabinet doors… Mount a paper towel holder inside the under-sink cabinet… Use a tension rod under the sink to hang spray bottles … Magnetic strips… lazy susans…
Swap mismatched plastic hangers with huggable hangers. They keep items from slipping off and don’t take up much space.

Get rid of clothing that is too big, too small, from long-ago career days, or you haven’t worn in 1 year.
Roll slippery garments like pajamas, silk, scarves, and camisoles and place them in a row.
My favorite section covered clever uses for objects that you most likely have at home already. Keep earrings and their backs together in a spare button. Use a binder clip to keep gift wrap rolls closed, a wine rack to store bath towels, or a pot lid rack in your closet for handbags, wallets, etc.
All in all, a handy little magazine!
I can’t remember… did I show you my pantry? Here are a few snapshots of how it’s looking so far: