In what ways can you cultivate more ease, flow, and stillness in your life?
This week, I’m exploring this question. I am happy to have the winter holiday break behind us and our typical routine back in place. I really need that introvert recovery time!
After I took Sweet Girl to school this morning, I met my walking buddy and walked for an hour. Boy did it feel good to move my body again. It was also a luxury that I didn’t have something else on the calendar I needed to rush off and do. And, I was able to say, “see you tomorrow” without having to look at my calendar first. I love this!
I am hoping that I can maintain my schedule-free days as much as possible. I came home and did some straightening and laundry, took a shower, and worked a bit on arranging my closet. Then I got a cup of coffee and enjoyed 2 episodes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. “Hello time for myself. I love you!” I am rationing the show because I adore it and don’t want it to end.
(BTW, do you have any Netflix or Amazon series that you love?)
In terms of finding stillness, sometimes (ok, usually) my mind finds excuses. Either I judge myself for resting, which I’m getting better at, or I can’t stop seeing all the things I need to do.
One idea: make a list of those things and do some, not all, of them at the beginning of the day. Just like exercising, I think having already done it is so much better than dreading it. So morning is the best time for me to knock items off my list.
I’ll try it and see how it goes.

Hi, Naomi…well that was relaxing…Love the photo, just looking at it puts me in a meditative state. I’m not a big TV watcher but I have been watching two series that I’m loving on Netflix…one is the Crown and the other is The Life of Mrs. Maisel. Both different but so entertaining.
I also wanted to comment on your book review but that comment box is turned off. I was so glad you reviewed A Little Life. I have had that book for two years now and I think I will read it on my next vacation. I’ve been so intimidated by the size of it. The writing does seem so beautiful. I also have the Dutch House which I just got for Christmas. I think I’ll give that a try also. Great reviews. Thanks so much.
How funny, Cheryl! I am definitely not a tv watcher either but those are my 2 shows too! Unfortunately I finished Mrs. Maisel and haven’t dived into the Crown in quite awhile but will soon, I’m sure. Those characters stay with me long after I’m finished watching.
Warning… A Little Life is LONG. I hope you stick with it though. Can’t wait to hear what you think!