I think I could sit here for hours. There is so much to see on the walls! Every photo or notecard or travel momento has a story. It means a great deal that it is all together again, in one room, ready for me to reconnect with it all.

Just as before, one of the last rooms to be unpacked is my art space. I have been avoiding it for some reason, coming in every so often to put a few things on a shelf but not spending much focused attention on it. Maybe I thought it might disappear again? One of the biggest disruptions that the flood caused me is the loss of my own space for creating. I had several projects going, an easel installed on my wall, and I spent a lot of time in there. Then it was gone.

So it is a huge deal to have another art space! I have just finished pinning art and cards and notes on bulletin boards, hanging up all my own artwork so I can see it always, placing my pens and stencils and paints in reach. I’m sharing photos because it may never look this orderly again!

I am rich with supplies: lustrous colored paints, blank canvases, brushes, inks, foils, and baskets of papers. Even if I never made another thing, I would be happy to be in this room just looking at it all.

I am on a precipice. It could be as wide or as narrow as I let it. I have so many ideas and yet don’t know where to begin. I want to create Jewish art. I want to play with bright colors in new abstract ways. I want to make large pieces and yet I love sitting with tiny detail too. I want to put a few of my small boards in my Etsy shop. Why am I overthinking this???

How lovely! Have you thought of making a painting of your new house? I think it occurred to me because I have been tinkering with my RV recently and I have been enjoying the print I have of yours that is entitled Journey, hung up in the RV bedroom.
Thanks, Susanna! We’ll see… now I’m crafting with my daughter each day.