From the blog A Life In Progress: on Mindfulness & Living in the Moment by Krista O’Reilly-Davi-Digui
In every moment we have a choice: to wish away what is or to receive the gifts of today, eyes and heart wide open. To rush and push and fight to make things happen, or to slow and savor and trust the journey.
This day is a gift.
A smelly, unexpected, messy, lovely gift.
An opportunity to slow and remember who and what is most important.
A day to practice gratitude and compassion and rising above.
I sure do quite a bit of “rushing and pushing and fighting to make things happen” and I want to do less of it. I dislike the polarization in our country right now and spend far too much thought capacity worrying about it. What if I were to let that go and simply watch the sunlight on the lawn and the tree branches sway in the breeze and trust that all will be well?
It’s an invitation that I don’t want to pass up. This moment and the next and the next will not return. How can I best truly experience where I am right now? This air, this activity, these gifts? What if I let go of my tight grip on worry about the future and simply appreciate the way things are in my own tiny portion of the world?
I think I’ll put on some music…

From grandpa martin, amen!