Huge apologies for the short book reviews here! I am looking forward to telling you about my current read soon, How to Tell a Story from The Moth.
In June, I …
- Gave two successful Mussar webinars to a Twin Cities group
- Won a volunteer spirit award at our temple annual meeting – a total surprise
- Took my grandparents out to dinner
- Completed one of six classes for a palliative care certification
- Completed a successful Omer program and set of webinars with The Mussar Institute
- Enjoyed family time in Grand Cayman, even though rained the entire time!
- Had the honor or witnessing a friend’s conversion to Judaism
- SG completed freshman year of high school
- Started teaching SG how to drive – eek!
- Registered for fall trimester at AJR
- Had a blast with the fam in Paris and Amsterdam
Sipsworth by Simon Ban Booy – HIGHLY recommend this a a sweet and quick read. It truly is a feel-good little novel.
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley – I’m probably selling this one short, but I thought it was choppy and unrelatable, even though I know it’s SciFi. You can read the plot summary at the link.
All Fours by Miranda July – very odd; terrible really.
Amazing Grace Adams by Fran Littlewood – sort of strange; mom totally losing it but rediscovering her priorities.
Little Earthquakes: A Memoir by Sarah Mandel – HIGHLY recommend this one. I read it because she just passed away, losing her battle with cancer that she wrote about. Such beautiful words.
The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading by James Patterson – Kudos to Patterson for collecting these snippets in people’s own voices. Must listen on audio, of course.