I could mention morality. I could talk about the danger in “us vs. them” dichotomies. I could warn us all that we should be very very scared about what is to come. But if you’re like me, you’ve already gotten 50 of those emails today. Plus comfort and reaffirmation that we will not be cowered into … blah, blah, blah.
Now that we know whose lives matter and whose do not, and now that we are sure that we can expect an indifferent, dominating, and cruel government for the foreseeable future, I think I’ll tune out the rest.
I like my little corner of the world. I have beautiful and sincere friendships. I’m focused on learning right now because I want to help build a future that is better than today. I want to provide space for comfort and healing and connection. That is how we bring people together. I find comfort in the Bible and in the cycles of history that show that sometimes things have to collapse before they can be rebuilt in a new way.
I am disappointed. But I’m not shocked. Mainly I feel a sense of bafflement that most of us do not seem to see what is happening before our eyes. They are so myopically focused on themselves that they cannot see a bigger picture. Or maybe they don’t care about anyone outside of their silo. Again, not shocked.
These are what we need. Diversity is a strength. Women are valuable. Ideas and curiosity are crucial.
Our future prez is not a true leader and might actually be a reflection of the worst in our country: fear, hatred, power, violence, and more fear.
Something HUGE is shifting in many countries all around the world. Our systems are going to collapse, and soon, and hopefully something new and better will be born out of the chaos.
I am disillusioned but I do not give up hope that a decency and humanity will emerge eventually. I’ll be over here doing my thing and trying to bring a little authenticity and light wherever I go.

Beautifully put, Naomi. I feel the same. One thing that’s come out of this for me is how lucky I am to have the support of my family and friends. Love you all!
That is so true. We have blessings all around us… we are full of them. Love to you and yours!
Beautifully said, Naomi.
Thanks, Donna.