House redo: guest bath

OK let’s continue our house tour of the changes I made over the summer. In case you forgot the other rooms, you can find them here.

Also just off the main entryway, the front bathroom is sort of the go-to potty space during the day.  Considering the visibility of the space, I really wanted to update it in a fun way.  It turned out to be quite modern-looking!

bath2Step 1: wallpaper.  First I ordered something online that ended up being way too thin according to “my wallpaper guy.”  I suppose I thought I’d just pop by the store and order something, but I ended up making a few trips to the paint/wallpaper store, lugging those heavy books back and forth.  Ultimately I decided on a large pattern to make the small space open up.  The old brown walls needed to be lightened, so it’s a white with silver pattern.

We were all set to start when I decided that the pocket door would break up the space in a big way and look terrible.  So I asked my handyman to quickly take it out and put drywall there.  It was about a week’s delay, but definitely well worth it.

bath1It took several days for the guys to “float” the walls, prepping them for the paper, but the finished result is smashing.  I love it.

Of course, it’s not always that simple.  I had to find some kind of matching porcelain floor tile to fill in that little baseboard area that we didn’t have before taking the door out.  It isn’t an exact match, but I can’t really tell the difference unless I really stare at it.

floorI didn’t want to decorate too much and clutter up the space.  This is what it was like before (kinda busy):screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-9-19-05-am

I decided on simple red accents.

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-8-16-08-amThe piece de resistance was to be a funky 26″x38″ glossy red mirror that I saw on Belacor’s site.  I ordered it.  I waited months.  It kept saying “order in process” but it never came… finally I got an email that it was discontinued.  Huge bummer! 


Ultimately, I found a white one on Appliance Connection and ordered that, with the intention of painting it.

bath3First I tried taping paper over the mirror and painting it, but I wasn’t able to get far enough into the crack between the frame and the mirror and you could tell.  So I needed to take it apart.

The back was hot glued on! I had trouble gently taking it off.  I was mostly successful until the end, when I broke the mirror.  Sigh.

So while the custom glass place was cutting a new mirror, I spray painted just the frame in the meantime.  I put it back together and it’s very nice.

I found the accent towel and soap dispenser online from a UK website.  I was really, really picky about these since they are the only real pop of color and I wanted the red to match the mirror (easier said than done). 

bath4The hand towel was huge, so my mom made two small hand towels out of it (thanks again, mom!).  I ordered a red rug and seat cover as well, but they did not match so I gave them to a friend.  (It’s difficult to return something from another continent!)

I ordered two 20×24 Room Essentials bath rugs from in a “ripe red.”

img_5006With the white wallpaper, the almond wall switches looked awful, so I had my handyman replace them.  Interesting side note: we tried one of those sensor switches that would turn on the light when someone walked into the room, but because the glass shower door is directly opposite the entry, every time we walked down the hall past the bathroom, it would turn on… super annoying.  So I returned that.  
white-switchesWhen the painters were here, I had them also paint this bathroom’s door and trim a glossy white.


I changed the light bulbs to be LED, which made an enormous difference.  Finally, I hung up my favorite kitty art and I was done! I’ve loved it since.


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While you were out…

table-and-chairsWhile I was away from the blog, I would still get notifications from Facebook saying some number of people had liked a post or from WordPress saying someone had signed up to receive emailed posts.  It got to feeling that MORE people were reading than when I was here writing! It was like people looked around and said, “Hey, where’d she go???”

I’m here and I’ve missed you! Having a limited amount of time and energy really sets the agenda sometimes and forced me to make some hard choices.  I still don’t know if I made the right ones, but it’s done and everyone is fine.

The book fair was great.  We sold thousands of books and gave books to kids who couldn’t afford to buy one.  I brought in a children’s author and illustrator and put on 2 assemblies.  We had teachers volunteer to come to evening story times.  We gave 300 books to classroom libraries.  We raised enough money to buy hundreds of books for the library and even some much-needed technology for the school.  I decided before the craziness even began that whatever results we had, it will be a success because we are getting books into kids’ hands, celebrating reading, and bringing a team of caring people together.  I have absolutely no idea how we’ll ever “beat” these results next year, but I don’t know that we have to.

Our backyard construction is moving right along.  There have been people in our back yard almost every day, banging away and making a mess.  Here’s what I am looking at today…


The garage is framed and the roof is on.  We actually got a new roof on the entire house because of a hail storm last January.  Next comes electric, plumbing, and bricks.

Mr. B and I celebrated 15 years of marriage.  We haven’t really gotten to spend much time together lately with his nonstop travel and my projects, but we finally escaped to reconnect.  Sweet Girl turns 8 this week and is a lot more grown-up than before.

On the whole, things are really, really good.  I appreciate my friends and family, the house and the sunshine I am sitting in now as I reflect and write.  Yes, I’m tired and feel a little slow-going today.  But I recognize the luxuries we have and am incredibly grateful for them all.

I’d love to hear about how you have been.  In the coming weeks, I will be visiting your blogs, returning your calls, reaching out to see what’s new.  I don’t think I’m sending out holiday cards this year, but that may change too.  🙂 Tell me what’s been going on with you…

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Write yourself a permission slip

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 8.19.25 AMRemember that feeling of going to school with a handwritten note in hand from a parent? A note that held the power to excuse you from gym class or from an absence? Somehow that note left no questions unanswered because everything was going to be taken care of.  It opened doors and made anything and everything right again.

When a doctor tells you to get rest it seems ok to lay around and watch movies all day. When we tell ourselves to take a break? It feels lazy.  Can we write permission slips for ourselves??? I admit that I’ve tried and it works a little bit, but not nearly as well as I wish it did.

Permission to playSometimes just a glance at a post-it note above my art desk does give me the courage to play more and think less.  Of course, it’s been about a year since I’ve been in that room at all and I’m thinking about that lately.

I have missed you all! The school book fair is finished and it was a smashing success on many levels.  I’m proud; I’m tired; I’m getting all sorts of compliments.  First I rested, Mr. B went grocery shopping, and we did laundry and rested some more.  Now I am dealing with what happens when you put your life on pause for 12 days.  I feel like I’ve been in a tunnel underground or out on a boat and just come back to civilization… I’m looking around and seeing lots of changes.  WHO is the next president??? Violence against police? Antisemitic acts? Attacks on Native Americans STILL? What is going on here “from sea to shining sea?” Deep breath.  Deep breath.  It was just a small amount of time I was gone – a few days, right? Not 70 years!

It seems we are all out of contact with each other.  You and I will obviously resume our best friend status.  But what about everyone else? I have to say, I’m not really in touch with any rural farmers or… well, rural anybody actually.  But they have a voice and they are obviously unhappy (but hopefully not racist).  We can’t really stay in our educated bubble (did you see that Saturday Night Live bit??) reading the Huff Po and wait for someone else to deal with half the country.  It will be interesting to see what unfolds.

My daughter (and me too, I have to admit) can’t even say Tr***’s name without cringing. She got some of that from learning about elections at school, but most of that from me and maybe other family.  She’s been to vote with me before and so we have talked about democracy and countries that are more of a dictatorship or oligarchy and how fortunate we are in America.  She knows about Susan B. and women’s voices being heard and counted.  I tried to be as impartial and objective as I could when I said, “We believe in education, creative solutions, equality, fairness, kindness, and peace… but there are people who have different ways of thinking and they count too.” Lol.

Earlier this year, Sweet Girl learned at school about what happened 15 years ago on 9/11 in a vague way.  I felt I had to tell her something basic about what happened.  There were lots of logistical questions because it makes no sense how an airplane would be taken over by bad guys, how it could purposefully fly into a building and why the building would be on fire, how all those people… her innocent face struggling with understanding that such hatred and awfulness exists was incredibly painful for me to watch.  We were in the car and I pulled over and got in the back seat and hugged her and answered her questions.  I told her about how strangers always come together in times like these and good things do come, and that she is safe.

Just as I told her then, when I woke up after election day and had to tell her that what I was so certain would prevail had, in fact, had a setback, I could only rub her back and tell her that we have to be doubly loving and peaceful and understanding in the face of people and times like this.  I told her there have been presidents who weren’t so nice, but the American people made it through.  I even told her that not much gets done (good or bad) because there are lots of people in Washington who get to say how things happen.  Her tears and cries were mine too.

It’s a huge weight for a kid, I’d imagine, to gain awareness that life is not all mommy and daddy and popsicles and playtime.  We lose pets and people we care about; there are dangerous people in the world; sometimes friends are mean and sometimes life is unfair.

I think a parent’s role is to be the steady loving constant who calmly points out the good around us and the power that we do have.  We can still be kind to people we encounter every day, still give money to causes we believe in, and carry on living our life in a loving and conscious way.  We have each other and we help each other, even when it hurts.  It is ok to believe passionately about something or someone, even if you will lose it in the end.

I have not thought about this in a few weeks, and resuming it is like picking up a heavy backpack that I don’t want to carry.  I am writing myself a permission slip to be unlike my usual self.  I do not have to get everything back in order with gusto and speed.  It is ok to stay behind in my other volunteer work, in returning phone calls and opening the mail.  I will get to it.

Do you use permission slips for yourself and how do you convince yourself that they have authority to allow you to change your actions?

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What my days look like right now

I just took SG to school and now I’m home, tossing my sheets into the wash as I jump into the shower.  I have to be presentable today because I have three meetings (Sisterhood program planning, teacher conference at school, adult education at Temple).  Getting out of the shower, the doorbell rings.  It’s 7:55 and the construction guys are starting on the rebar for the garage foundation.  I hear the cat throwing up somewhere.  I haven’t opened the window shades yet! Oh shoot, I think I sent SG to school without a plastic spoon in her lunch.  Get dressed, makeup, hair, shoes.  Email someone about checking some dates for some community programs I’m working on before meeting the committee at 10.  Woah! Lots of online book fair gift certificate orders came in! I think perhaps this is crazy, but this seems to be the perfect time to bake the 4 dozen brownies I promised the Temple for tomorrow evening’s reception.  I am going there tonight anyway, so why not have them ready? Oven on, mixing, pouring, and in the oven.  Prepare batch #2 while #1 bakes.  This other recipe I have, from Pioneer Woman, requires melting butter on the stove, adding cocoa powder, and then dry ingredients.  I’m just doing the melting part when the doorbell rings and my housekeeper is here.  Oh shoot! I just realized I didn’t wash the cloths she uses to clean! Move sheets to drier and begin that wash.  Back to stovetop… And since housekeeper is here, I need to put away my daughter’s laundry, pick up the 400 book fair fliers that are on the living room floor in assembly line fashion (fold, label, staple principal letter).  What a mess.  Off to committee meeting… have to make 5 copies of my agenda real quick.  Grab a cup of ice water for the drive and head out with my folder of papers.  On the way, pool guy calls and says the coping we have chosen is one that stains and he wants to drop by at 2:00 with some other samples.  That’s the same time the exterminator is coming, but that should be fine.  Wait, can the bug guy come when it’s raining outside??? Email is going crazy.  Get brownies out of oven.  The construction guys are literally making sparks fly in my front lawn, cutting this metal.  Take photo to send Mr. B, who is in Dallas, I think.  Maybe Austin.  Write check for housekeeper in case she’s gone before I get back.  Have to stop at grocery store to get butter and powdered sugar for icing.  Oh, the lady I am selling that extra toy chest to is coming by this morning before 10 so I need to quickly put it out on the porch for her.  Phone ringing… I am being added as an account signer for Sisterhood and can I be somewhere on Tuesday… and now who is at the door? I’ve got to get out of here to my 10:00 meeting.

This was me for about an hour one morning last week.  I kid you not.  I am busy, busy, busy but it’s all good, I promise.  I feel like I used to feel when I was working at Ernst & Young – juggling multiple interesting projects and satisfied to be involved in so much fun stuff, meeting so many people I really liked.  Of course, I’m not being paid money right now, but I am thankful I don’t need to think about that aspect of life right now.  Well, I think about it, of course, because I balance the books and keep track of expenses and work with our financial advisor and pay the bills, but you know what I mean.  Juggling so much really is panic-inducing sometimes, but I generally feel great to be doing what I find meaningful.

I thought I’d just record what I have been doing with my time lately, just to see it all in one place.  SG’s schedule is sort of crazy as well.  She, and therefore I, go to theatre class on Monday, softball practice on Tuesday evening, dance class on Wednesday, art (and sometimes a softball private lesson) on Thursday, and Religious School and softball game on Sunday.  So far we’ve been able to have a snack and get her homework done before these activities.

School Book Fair chair – Brownie Troop Leader – Musical accompaniment for Religious School chapel services – Shirim Team at Religious School – Venture Philanthropy committee – Temple Sisterhood executive board – Mussar facilitator training – Adult Education committee – Softball team mom – various other boards – this blog…

My friends, I’ve got to take a short break from the blog for a few weeks.  The book fair is beginning very soon and there’s lots to do.  I have also been spending hours each day on Sisterhood tasks.  Both are short-term but intense projects so I’m going to say farewell until Thursday, December 1.  Mwah!

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House redo: the playroom

Directly opposite our front door is my daughter’s playroom.  I think originally it was a separate sitting room… more like a casual family space.  It would be a perfect office and probably will be someday.  For now, it’s more of an activity space for playing games and doing art projects.

donationsThis project began at the beginning of the summer with a HUGE purge.  Sweet Girl was motivated to update it into a “big girl” space and so, uncharacteristically, she was willing to part with many of her things that she doesn’t play with anymore.  There were many trips to Goodwill.

couchThe “old” playroom had an IKEA couch that folded out into a bed.  It took up a lot of room and was also super heavy, so I was happy to donate it to a family that needed a couch.  That new space really opened up the room.

pocket-doorAnother bonus is that we took out the little pocket door that connected this room to the guest bathroom.  When we were looking into wallpapering that bathroom (next post!), I realized that we were losing about 1/2 the wall space to this silly door we didn’t need. On the playroom side, I’d painted it with chalkboard paint, so we ultimately created something similar on the drywall.

chalk-boardshelvesThe large set of shelves and drawers (IKEA) we kept because it really is excellent storage.  What we added was a desktop and set of drawers, also from IKEA.  

playroom-overviewThis is a new create space for SG and she loves it.  She spent hours organizing her drawers! In fact, when I was putting them together, she was beyond excited and it was great motivation for me to keep going (especially since I’d already built two other drawer units for the craft room).  We got two chairs from IKEA so she could do projects with friends (or her momma).

You’ll notice we put in a TV.  The idea here was that it’ll be a fun hang-out space for when friends come over and as she gets older to watch movies, etc.  Right now she isn’t using it much.  The tv came from the master bedroom… I was against having a tv in the bedroom, but we put one there about a year ago.  We never turned it on! So no big deal to move it to a different room.

The little cubbies (originally from my craft room) were stacked in the hallway one day because I was thinking of donating them to Goodwill.  SG immediately knew she could use them.  Originally she had them under and on top of her desk, but that was very crowded, so I put them behind her. 

masterpiecesThe final touch was to put a display area for her artwork.  When we put up the row of shelves, she was doing a few weeks of summer art camp, bringing home all kinds of 3D creations.  This worked out perfectly.  The wire and clips are handy too.  So far we haven’t run out of room because we are ready to part with something old when something new comes in the house.

The great thing about this transformation is that it cost very little and made a big change in how the room feels.

What do you think?

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House redo: come on in (2)

Continued from Part 1

Our entryway is now a perfect reflection of us.  It’s nice to look at, feels open and spacious, and has a place to sit for a minute while waiting for the pizza delivery guy to show up.


entry-finalOn top of the console piece we have a pair of St. Enimie Round Glass Vases by Design Toscano (via Wayfair); the yellow bowl and the books are from;  I also got a flush mount ceiling fixture from AllModern.



The wall behind the curved wall is now our photo gallery.  I designed a pattern that I liked and then selected 9 favorite photos.  I promise it wasn’t as simple as that… first I hung up brown paper squares, then I kept changing sizes, etc.  Once I’d finalized the pattern, I created it in Excel to figure out the exact dimensions I needed.

photo-pattern-56-pm-pngThe photo sizes are: 1-24″ square; 4-16″ square; and 4- 16×24.  I ordered them from Nations Photo Lab with a 1/2″ black gatorboard backing.  I ended up painting the sides in black again just because they looked cheap they way they came.painting-the-edges

I hung them up with 3M mounting strips. They are very lightweight.  It looks incredible! It won’t be expensive to update with new images as I want to replace them.

img_4739So that’s our entry.  I’ve been keeping it decluttered and have definitely felt a calmness in that area.  I love walking toward the door and seeing the new mirror and console too.  Makes me happy!

Next stop: the playroom!

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