House redo: come on in (1)

home-doormat-pngOur home is an extension of our self, so why not make sure you are representing yourself in your own home? Just like our bodies need maintenance to stay healthy, so do our homes to be happy and a source of good energy.  I felt that our home had “lost that lovin’ feelin” after 5 years and so I spent the summer updating it…

The very first impression of a house is at the front door and entryway.  I want to make it as easy as possible for friends and neighbors to feel welcome to stop by and visit.

We had a door latch that was broken so that once the deadbolt was unlocked, you could just push the door open.  Well, you had to push reeeeaaaaallly hard but it opened.  Some of you can probably write an entire essay on the meaning behind a broken door latch.

front-doorAll fixed.  I bought a new latch and we installed weatherproofing around the door frame.  Finally, we installed a sweep at the bottom of the door to seal the opening there.  Now it is easy breezy to open and close the door.

For the entryway itself, we were dealing with a lot of clutter and ineffective storage.  I had redone it a couple years ago to look more colorful, but it ended up looking like too much going on.  Here’s the before:

old-entry2-05-pmOn the other side is an curved wall with a cut-out to show the hallway wall that was also a little unorganized.  Here I was playing with putting the host chairs from the dining room there, as well as the little table from our screened in porch and the paintings from the living room.  We ended up doing just that.


After painting the house and after moving the existing furniture piece elsewhere, I began shopping for a statement entry piece of furniture that had drawers.  At first, I had my heart set on this piece below, which I must have visited in the High Fashion Home showroom 3 times.  It’s a Cynthia Rowley credenza.

almostAt one point, when I was about to purchase it, I thought to search for it online just to see if there was a better price elsewhere… and yes there was! It was $800 cheaper at a North Carolina furniture store.  High Fashion Home would not budge on their price, so I bought it in June from the N.C. store for delivery in October, which is when Hooker Furniture was creating more pieces.  Turned out that HFH wasn’t going to have it any sooner and they wouldn’t part with their floor sample.


I loved this bubble mirror, also from HFH, and bought it at 1/2 price.

All was good until I saw this Asian console at Reeves Furniture, a funky store in Houston where they refinish old pieces (although this one was in great condition and needed no work).  I absolutely loved how different it is and the finish, the color, and the quality were excellent.  I visited that one twice.


I was trying to match it to my new couch pillows and those 2 host chairs.  It’s not the same, but close enough, I decided.  And it was a good price.  I cancelled the first piece and purchased this one.  I am very happy with my decision.

I was supposed to pick up the mirror from the warehouse the following day, which was a story in itself (rain, wrong pickup address, crack in mirror, etc. Long story short, here I am bringing the new mirror home 6 weeks later.

entryI didn’t love the drawer pulls that came with the console piece.  After a rather exhaustive search online, I thought about painting them with a faux finish silver that I’d bought to use on the master bath mirrors.


I tried that and didn’t like where that was going, so I went with the rounded silver handles instead that you see below.

entry-hardware-ideasHere’s the finished entryway.  The mirror is large enough that the wall doesn’t need anything else.  The drawers are home to bug spray, chalk to decorate the driveway, a few scrapbooks, 2 umbrellas, and lots of empty space.


In part 2, I’ll show you the accent decor on top of the console and the new feature wall of photos behind the curved wall.

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House redo: the beginning

I have promised many people to provide some before & after updates on what we did to our home over the summer.  It quickly became all I did over the summer.  Things are now mostly complete, so here we go…home-doormat-pngHow did all this begin?

It all started with our living room… after I put Sweet Girl to bed, Mr. B and I like to catch up with each other.  He prefers the couch in the living room, but I could never get comfortable there.  I prefer the bedroom, but there’s no place to sit except the bed, and he would fall asleep the second he lay down!

So we set about making changes.  We decided to flip our living room arrangement, moving the tv to the opposite wall, turning the couch around, etc.  We liked it so then we ordered a sectional and waited 12 weeks for it to come in. (Separate living room post coming soon.)

As soon as the sectional arrived, we realized it looked just plain awful with the wall color in our house.   We had been thinking of painting anyway, at least the living room.  Our house was a cappuccino brown, which I must have liked 5 years ago because our lights, fans, lamps, cabinets, etc. were all a dark wood espresso color. We wanted to lighten the space and make it feel much larger and airier.

So we began getting paint samples.  At one point, I think every wall in the front of the house was striped with various shades of white and gray.  It’s so difficult to tell what a color looks like when it’s next to another color!

entry-ready-to-paintWe finally decided on Light Pewter by Benjamin Moore and we love it.  It provides a nice contrast with our newly painted white trim.  It’s light and fresh and soft.

Once I got a quote from our painter to do the kitchen, living room, entry, and hallway and it wasn’t too bad, I had him add the trim as well.  When we moved in and painted before, I really wanted white trim but the flippers we signed with just would not do it! They really thought off-white light switches and trim was best.

Along with the painting, I wanted to bring our house up to date furniture-wise with where we are in life right now.  I had lists of projects, which makes me nervous, so I got started right away.

entry-paintingThe project list:

  • Entry: new overhead fixture, repair broken latch on front door, furniture with drawers, mirror, move all photos to feature wall, modern decor, add lighting
  • Kitchen: lighting, repair drawer slides, fix broken wine fridge, and several projects that didn’t happen
  • Living room: new sofa, sofa pillows, end tables, lamps, lighting, console piece and decorate shelves
  • Front bathroom: wallpaper, remove pocket door, style
  • Office/craft room: more storage and create space
  • Playroom: desk, place to display artwork, clean out and update
  • SG’s room: new bed, paint fan, new bedding and drapes, paint
  • Hall closet: reorganize, install wrapping station and tool storage
  • Laundry room: light fixture, paint
  • Master bedroom: bed, nightstands, dresser, chair, bench, lighting
  • Master bath: sinks, granite, fixtures, mirrors, paint

boxesI started pinning ideas, shopping, and ordering.  At one point, we came home from a trip in July to all these boxes! It got a little insane there for awhile.

Some projects got nixed; some others got added.  As I got to know my new handyman’s skills, we added all sorts of cool ideas.

I’m really happy with how it looks and feels.  I look forward to showing you everything I did, room by room, over the next few weeks, starting with the entry, where you would enter the home and see it for the first time.  Come on in!

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September reading


Obviously, September here in blog-land was all about self-compassion.  It was fun to focus on one thing for a month, though I am happy to move on to other fun things.  I will start showing you some before and after pics from my house decoration redo.

Days of Awe by Lauren Fox

Motherhood, friendship, marriage, loss… the writing was excellent and touching, but the way the story unfolds is disjointed and sometimes irrelevant to the plot.  The book is intentionally raw, but the despair and confusion that comes through the pages is hard to take.  Sometimes I guess the marriage you’re fighting for doesn’t make it.  Sometimes you can’t come to peace with the loss of a best friend.  Sometimes you can’t be close with your teenage daughter.  But in fiction, it’s nice to at least have something work out!

“Love was foolish and inevitable. We were just waiting to be shattered by it. The days were finite, full of awe.”

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions by Christopher K. Germer

Christopher Germer, a clinical psychologist affiliated with Harvard who specializes in the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy, teaches self-compassion to most of his therapy clients. Chris is also a friend and colleague with whom I teach self-compassion workshops. He wrote the wonderful book The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, which summarizes the knowledge he’s gained over the years while helping his clients to relate to themselves more compassionately.   practical techniques for living more fully in the present moment — especially when hard-to-bear emotions arise — and for being kind to yourself when you need it the most.

“The true development of self-compassion is the basis for fearlessness, generosity, inclusion, and a sustained loving-kindness and compassion for others.”

In this book Dr. Christopher Germer lays out the architecture of this skill development: the vision of freedom compassion can offer, the essential role of self-compassion, the path to realizing it rather than just thinking about it, and the practical tools, such as mindfulness, we need to effect that transformation.

Part I, Discovering Self-Compassion, shows you how to develop mindfulness and describes precisely what we mean and don’t mean by self-compassion. Part II, Practicing Loving-Kindness, gives in-depth instruction in one particular self-compassion practice—loving-kindness meditation—to serve as a foundation for a compassionate way of life. Part III, Customizing Self-Compassion, offers tips for adjusting the practice to your particular personality and circumstances and shows you how to achieve maximum benefit from the practice. Finally, in the appendices, you’ll find additional self-compassion exercises and resources for further reading and more intensive practice.

Hot Mess to Mindful Mom: 40 Ways to Find Balance, Joy, and Happiness in Your Every Day by Ali Katz

One (of many) think I liked about this book is that it consists of tiny chapters that make it simple to read a couple while in line somewhere or just before falling asleep at night.  Ali (I feel like we are friends!) has tips that make such sense that I have incorporated many into my daily routine already. For instance, I no longer check my phone at every red light.  Instead I take a few deep breaths, counting the inhale seconds and the exhale seconds.  We now take a few moments at dinner or at bedtime to list as many things that we are grateful for from that day.  I love this time and my family does too.

“I said it over and over until I believed it. “Cut yourself some slack. You are doing the best you can, and you always have. Even the silly things you have done and said were done with good intentions at the time. You didn’t set out to screw up! Everyone makes mistakes, and those are the experiences that help us to learn, grow, and become better people.”   Instead of begrudging the painful and embarrassing experiences, I began to reframe them and feel grateful because they did help me grow. If I hadn’t learned from them, I may still be trying to one-up other moms with my kids’ test scores and how many goals they scored on the soccer field.”

Her goals are my goals: get rest, stop rushing, savor my child, connect to my intuition, practice gratitude, gain confidence in myself.  So her solutions are now my solutions.  I subscribed to The Skimm, a humorous daily news summary in an email.  I disregard opinions of people who are not important to me and agree to disagree.  I am aiming to surround myself with people who accept me for who I am.  I plan to use her “mini-meditation” idea for finding a quiet minute during a busy day.

Her words here are extremely comforting to me.  I’ve put them as a note in my phone to use as a reminder when something feels forced or I feel impatient about something.  I feel a huge relief every time I read them.

“Timing was everything. I would have been a basket case if this happened a few years earlier. I believe in divine timing and trust it completely. Each one of us is just where we need to be right now. It is the right time and place for what is happening in our lives. The stars do align for each and every one of us when they are meant to. I have the utmost faith that the next phase of my growth will come just when I am ready for it. The questions may get even harder, but I will be up for answering them. It won’t be a minute too late, or a minute too soon.”

The best lesson from Katz’s book has been my newfound attempt to be present more often.  In fact, just now my daughter fell down and hit her head, sobbing and shaken up… and I was able to calmly just sit with her while she settled down, offering comfort and kisses.  I would have done that before, of course, but I would have been in my own panic and fear, heart beating fast, reaching for my phone to tell Mr. B.  I find this new calm much better!

Jewish Spiritual Parenting: Wisdom, Activities, Rituals and Prayers for Raising Children with Spiritual Balance and Emotional Wholeness by Paul Kipnes, Michelle November

I feel like I know Paul and Michelle and their wonderful family very well after reading this book.  They share how raising their 3 kids led them to a sense of spiritual wholeness, and how they presented ideas and questions to their children to encourage their spiritual growth in order to bring goodness into the world.

The book is divided into two parts: Building Foundations focuses on spirituality, partnership, parental contraction (withdrawing to enable the child to work through a problem), family, and truth. The second part addresses the practices of spiritual living and how we can nurture a child’s Jewish spirituality – living holy lives; living in God’s image; caring for our body, mind, and spirit; reframing and deciding; practicing loving-kindness; and celebrating life with joy.  Along the way I got some excellent ideas for making Passover and Chanukah much more meaningful for our family.

We begin focused on our partnership as parents, figuring out our main goals and the values we want to impart in our children.  Paul and Michelle provide an abundance of activities and ideas for starting new rituals with your own family.  We have started a few here.  I love their ideas for how best to connect with your kids.  I really cannot say enough good things about this book, especially in the reinforcement I felt in raising my daughter to make good choices.   Each child is a sacred gift, unique and special.  Their words opened my eyes again to what a privilege it is to be a parent.

Someone Will Be with You Shortly: Notes from a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Lisa Kogan

This one I had to stop reading halfway through out of annoyance.  I can’t really figure out WHY.  I like her tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating humor and found her topics interesting.  Maybe it’s the smartish way she combines phrases and soundbites and strange made-up adjectives all in one long sentence after another.  I found it irritating.  Still, she had a lot of good things to say.

“Every now and again, we want somebody else to pick the restaurant, arrange the playdate, plan the seating, buy the tickets, do the laundry, schedule the appointment, pack the bags, balance the books, send the gift, walk the dog, fill out the forms, break the silence, lift the ban, make the payment, count the calories, hold the phone, explain the joke, beat the odds, hit the ground running, win the race, and save the day while we sleep past noon beneath high-thread-count sheets and a cashmere blanket. In other words, we want time off for good behavior.”

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

paraphrase: Kristin Neff, Ph.D., says that it’s time to “stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind.” Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind offers expert advice on how to limit self-criticism and offset its negative effects, enabling you to achieve your highest potential and a more contented, fulfilled life.  This groundbreaking work will show you how to let go of debilitating self-criticism and finally learn to be kind to yourself. Using solid empirical research, personal stories, practical exercises, and humor, Dr. Neff—the world’s foremost expert on self-compassion—explains how to heal destructive emotional patterns so that you can be healthier, happier, and more effective. Engaging, highly readable, and eminently accessible, this book has the power to change your life.

This book is about developing a healthy relationship with yourself.  Since I spend all of September writing about self-compassion, you can read more here.

Try to feel compassion for how difficult it is to be an imperfect human being in this extremely competitive society of ours. Our culture does not emphasize self-compassion, quite the opposite. We’re told that no matter how hard we try, our best just isn’t good enough. It’s time for something different. We can all benefit by learning to be more self-compassionate, and now is the perfect time to start.

Shma Koleinu: A Jewish People’s Commentary on the Siddur by Steven Schwarzman

This book is a collection of beautiful reflections on words from our prayerbook.  Rabbi Schwarzman and others (rabbis, cantors, etc.) reach into the meaning behind the prayers to bring forth stories, lessons, or thought-provoking insights.

“God knows the numbers of the stars, calling each one by name. We are part of a universe that is not left unattended. Our own part in it may be small, but that does not diminish our importance to God. The stars count, and so do we.” ~ Rabbi Steven Schwarzman writing about Psalm 147


The Light Between Oceans: A Novel by M.L. Stedman

“Anyone who’s worked on the Offshore Lights can tell you about it—the isolation, and the spell it casts. Like sparks flung off the furnace that is Australia, these beacons dot around it, flickering on and off, some of them only ever seen by a handful of living souls. But their isolation saves the whole continent from isolation—keeps the shipping lanes safe, as vessels steam the thousands of miles to bring machines and books and cloth, in return for wool and wheat, coal and gold: the fruits of ingenuity traded for the fruits of earth. The isolation spins its mysterious cocoon, focusing the mind on one place, one time, one rhythm—the turning of the light. The island knows no other human voices, no other footprints. On the Offshore Lights you can live any story you want to tell yourself, and no one will say you’re wrong: not the seagulls, not the prisms, not the wind.”

Holy tears, batman! I don’t know if I’ve ever cried so much while reading a book.   This one just tugs on heartstrings you don’t know you have.  The story here is basically one where good people make a bad decision and one of them regrets it so much that the outcome seems inevitable.  And this sweet little girl… amazing how many people love her and yet how much pain they hold because of her.  Who knows what we would do in the same situation… an isolated island, 3 previous miscarriages, and then you hear a baby’s voice carried by the wind toward you.

Stedman’s characters were drawn so completely that they felt real to me.  Human and flawed, yet lovable and understandable as well.  The ethical question kept me riveted until the very last sentence.  And the writing… beautiful.

A Gentleman in Moscow: A Novel by Amor Towles

“Alexander Rostov was neither scientist nor sage; but at the age of sixty-four he was wise enough to know that life does not proceed by leaps and bounds.  It unfolds.  At any given moment, it is the manifestation of a thousand transitions.  Our faculties wax and wane, our experiences accumulate, and our opinions evolve — if not glacially, then at least gradually.  Such that the events of an average day are as likely to transform who we are as a pinch of pepper is to transform a stew.  And yet, for the Count, when the doors to Anna’s bedroom opened and Sofia stepped forward in her gown, at that very moment she crossed the threshold into adulthood.  On one side of that divide was a girl of five or ten or twenty with a quiet demeanor and a whimsical imagination who relied upon him for companionship and counsel; while on the other  side was a young woman of discernment and grace who need rely on no one but herself.”

This one I read because I found Rules of Civility to be absolutely amazing (read my review). Towles’ writing is so elegant and full.  Interestingly, I have often thought about what it’d be like to live in a hotel permanently.  The maid service and meals would be nice.  In this story, the main character is under house arrest in Bolshevik and Communist Russia in the hotel where he already lives.  His personal integrity already impressed me, but following him through his conversations and relationships, learning about the Russian revolution from the viewpoint of one man already isolated, seeing good prevail over cruelty and heartbreak… ah, this is truly a great book.  One of the best.  And the ending! Wow.

An interesting side note.  Towles says the structure of his book “takes the shape of a diamond on its side.  From the moment the Count passes through the hotel’s revolving doors, the narrative begins opening steadily outward.  Over the next two hundred pages, detailed descriptions accumulate of people, rooms, objects, memories, and minor events, many of which seem almost incidental.  But then, as the book shifts into its second half, the narrative begins to narrow and all of the disparate elements from the first half converge.”  I wish I’d known this before reading it because the first 75 pages or so were a little rough getting through.  Well worth it all, I promise you.

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Concluding Self-compassion September

selfcompassion sept_blogYou cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.

– Eckart Tolle –

Have you ever thought of yourself as a verb? A work-in-progress, an ever-evolving human being, continually being affected and changed by your choices and environment? We are in the flow of life, at the mercy of circumstance much of the time.  Why do we force control on our lives? What if we were to be in each moment (of the present tense) fully and wholeheartedly as it unfolds?

We have spent a few weeks together talking about self-compassion.  Have you been able to put anything into practice in your daily life?

This practice can change us in remarkable ways.  We will be able to choose how we respond to things.  We will bring self-compassion into our lives in all sorts of ways. We don’t need to ask ourselves “Am I good enough?” every day.  We can gently and lovingly reassure ourselves that of course we are.  We are human. We are accepted.  We are more than enough.

Everyone experiences pain, whether it be in their past, present or future.  Life is, by its very nature, some part joy, some part pain.  We are not perfect.  Self-compassion gives us the courage to fully experience it and then let it pass.  We can teach ourselves that happiness is not dependent on circumstance.  Happiness comes from embracing and loving ourselves just as we are, knowing that joy and pain, strength and weakness, glory and failure are all essential to the full human experience.” (Neff, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself)

“This means that hidden within every moment of anguish lies the potential for contentment. Pain can become the doorway to happiness, because feeling loved, cared for, and connected is what makes us truly happy.” Self-compassion entails desiring well-being and health for ourselves.  We can proactively better our situation, taking care of our body and mind, getting into a different situation, taking the steps necessary to give ourselves what we desire.

“We don’t need to be perfect to feel good about ourselves, and our lives don’t need to be any certain way for us to be content. Every one of us has the capacity for resilience, growth, and happiness, simply by relating to our ever-arising experience with both compassion and appreciation. And if you feel you can’t change, that it’s too hard, that the countervailing forces of our culture are too strong, then have compassion for that feeling and start from there. Each new moment presents an opportunity for a radically different way of being. We can embrace both the joy and the sorrow of being human, and by doing so we can transform our lives.”

The time will come

When, with elation,

You will greet yourself arriving

At your own door, in your own mirror,

And will smile at the other’s welcome


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Self-compassion September: bringing it all together

shineLet’s say you are driving to the airport for a very important international trip and you come upon a great deal of unanticipated traffic.  You realize that you should have left far earlier than you did.  In situations such as these, we tend to jump into blame or self-criticism (I should have known to check the traffic! Why do I always do this? I’m so irresponsible…), self-isolation (These things only happen to me. Everyone will be there except me…), and self-absorption (OMG, everyone will know! They’re going to talk about me and then when I get there, they will laugh at me. I am awful at planning ahead.  I feel terrible…)

But you and I won’t be falling into that train of thought again, right? Now we have self-compassion skills! The exact opposite reactions are self-kindness, recognizing the common humanity in the experience, and balancing our negative emotions (mindfulness). We will speak carefully and lovingly to ourselves.  We will be sure to realize that everyone around us is stuck in this traffic AND we are not the only person who has ever been late to the airport. We will sit with our feelings of nervous anxiety and breathe through them.  Or at least we will try to!

At first (and let’s face it… probably always) we will need to remind ourselves to focus our attention on what we are feeling and truly feel it.  Then comes the tough part: stop fighting it and accept it… and no judging!  (That’s the mindfulness part.) For me, this part takes major intention.  I keep going back to how I WISH it would be and why I am right and the situation/person is NOT.  Then I accept it again.  Next, treat yourself with love.  Speak nice words, understand why you are hurting, realize you are never alone, etc.  Finally, if you need to, respond or act thoughtfully (not react involuntarily).

Sometimes we are in an unpleasant situation, like our mad rush to the airport or getting a bad prognosis at the doctor.  Sometimes it can help to ask yourself if this will matter a year from now.  Can you let go of the small stuff? Maybe the fight with a friend touches on important values, but maybe it was stupid.  The drive to the airport will be forgotten but the health news is important.  Once we have things in perspective, we can filter our thoughts and only pay attention to the important ones.  Neff writes that “The nurturing quality of self-compassion allows us to flourish, to appreciate the beauty and richness of life, even in hard times.”

“The beauty of self-compassion is that instead of replacing negative feelings with positive ones, new positive emotions are generated by embracing the negative ones. The positive emotions of care and connectedness are felt alongside our painful feelings. When we have compassion for ourselves, sunshine and shadow are both experienced simultaneously. This is important—ensuring that the fuel of resistance isn’t added to the fire of negativity. It also allows us to celebrate the entire range of human experience, so that we can become whole.”(Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself)

So congratulations! We have taught ourselves some new patterns and skills! When we consciously choose to experience our emotions, thoughts, and physical feelings and also choose to accept them for what they are. With self-compassion, we are also choosing to accept ourselves, just as we are.

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Self-compassion September: the shared human condition


“Being human is not about being any one particular way; it is about being as life creates you—with your own particular strengths and weaknesses, gifts and challenges, quirks and oddities.” (Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself)

I told some friends recently that as a teenager, I often felt lonely.  They were floored.  “WHY???” They couldn’t picture it, which tells me how far I have come in getting out there and meeting people and having fun.  Reading Kristin Neff’s book, I realized that loneliness comes from feeling disconnected from others.  Because I really yearned to be one of the group back then, I felt so afraid of rejection that I rarely even showed my real self.  I must have felt too afraid to try.

Remember that as Neff defines self-compassion, there are 3 core components: mindfulness, self-kindness, and “a recognition of our common humanity, feeling connected with others in the experience of life rather than feeling isolated and alienated by our suffering.”

Of course it makes sense that if you are continually judging and criticizing yourself, at the same time being kind to others, you are drawing artificial boundaries and distinctions that only lead to feelings of separation and isolation.  This is the exact opposite of cultivating a feeling of interconnection.

When my daughter makes a bad choice and behaves inappropriately, I don’t tell her she is dumb or has no will power.  I would never want her to think that because she did one thing, she is bound for a lifetime of shortcomings and failure.  No, we focus on learning from mistakes, as do I and her daddy and other people she knows.  We are all works in progress.  It’s actually a relief to be nothing special in this particular instance, but rather one of the many human beings who often make mistakes and learn from them.

“The truth is, everyone is worthy of compassion. The very fact that we are conscious human beings experiencing life on the planet means that we are intrinsically valuable and deserving of care.”

Compassion, by definition, involves another person.  It literally means “to suffer with.” The emotion stems from the recognition that the human experience is imperfect.  Self-compassion honors the fact that all human beings are fallible, that wrong choices and feelings of regret are inevitable, not matter how above it we feel.

It is important that we remember that feelings of inadequacy and disappointment are shared by all.  It is not just me who fears rejection at times or regrets saying or doing something at other times.  That is possibly one reason there are so many public speaking seminars around!

img_2909-002If we recognize that belongingness is one of the core needs of the self and that loneliness comes from feeling disconnected from others, why on earth do we keep creating subsets of people, putting them in groups and separating “us” from “them?” Any disconnection like that is bound to lead to hate and prejudice.

Rather than pointing fingers, we need to be drawing circles with our arms.

I admit that when I first learned of a particular artist’s success, I was insanely jealous and resentful.  I thought of her as separate from me in all regards, even though we are very much alike.  I was comparing myself to her and feeling incredibly bad about myself.  Then I finally realized that those feelings weren’t doing me any good and certainly weren’t going to change anything.  I decided to align myself in friendship with her (at least in my head), and celebrate her success.  I acknowledge her struggles and understand her ups and downs because they are similar to my own.  How can that not be a good thing? When I finally met her in a class, she was beyond inclusive and caring and she would never wish anyone to feel shame or jealously on her account.

“Our humanity can never be taken away from us, no matter how far we fall. The very fact that we are imperfect affirms that we are card-carrying members of the human race and are therefore always, automatically, connected to the whole.” (Neff)

We are doing the best we can.

Why do we take our “failures” so hard? Of course we know ourselves best of all.  We are with ourself all day long, never able to lose touch with our thoughts or emotions or behaviors.  However, looking with a compassionate lens, we can try to recognize that we are not self-contained units.  We change based on circumstances: history, education, family, genetics, environment.  Once we can realize that we are the product of all sorts of factors, we can admit that we don’t need to take ourselves as seriously as we do.

“When we acknowledge the intricate web of causes and conditions in which we are all imbedded, we can be less judgmental of ourselves and others. A deep understanding of interbeing allows us to have compassion for the fact that we’re doing the best we can given the hand life has dealt us.” (Neff)

I really like that… Going back to my very first self-compassion post, I can accept that the person on the street corner asking for money really is a product of a particular set of circumstances and that perhaps she really is doing her best right now.

This concept is bound to help me let go of my unrealistic expectations as well.  I can use the experience of suffering to soften.  I can allow that I am part of a larger humanity.  I can accept myself right here, right now, as a work in progress.

Missed any Self-compassion September posts? Read them here.

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