Kindness always wins

My friend Linda asked her Facebook friends to describe kindness in one word.  She got almost 50 responses, with words like generosity, concern, and gentleness.  There were even some creative ones — puppy-like and empathagenerous were my faves.  

Linda sent me the link and asked me to come up with a visual way to display all of the responses.  This is what I did.




First I sketched it on canvas.  Then I started scraping on paint.canvas1


Finding everyone’s words in magazines took FOREVER, but was fun.  I decided to arrange them into a blooming flower.  I’m semi-happy with it.  The mounted print is in my Etsy shop.

Kindness square-001

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Love is the bridge

Rumi ocean

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Look at me now!

Art flowerI’m pretty fortunate.

I hope that by saying that, I am not tempting fate and inviting disaster.  And I hope accepting this abundance is ok.

Last night I read about what daily life was like in 14th century England and India.  Then I read about how the first transatlantic telegraph came about, cutting the speed of information from weeks down to minutes.  When you ponder all the conveniences we have today, it’s mind-boggling really.

I feel like I “have it all.” I have a very supportive family.  Mr. B is a true confidant and partner, and he works very hard to support our little family.  Because of him, we can travel to cool places.  We have savings.  We have a lovely home.  Because of him, I get to spend my days doing what I love – creating art, writing, reading, and taking care of the 3 of us.  I get to experience being a mother, and to a wonderful little girl at that.  I was born intelligent, curious, and creative.  I get to be myself and create whatever experience I want.  How lucky am I???

I do wonder if perhaps I had some past lives that weren’t so hot.  Maybe I’m somehow owed this pleasurable experience? Or have I evolved to this point?

When my greatest struggle is how I’m going to take the cat to the vet AND be home to let the housekeeper in, well… you see my point! I am definitely busy, but it’s by choice and I can change my mind.  Volunteering in the school and going to so many committee meetings is helping me to feel part of a community and to meet new people.

I was just this morning listening to the receptionist at the vet tell some story about her great-grandchildren in Kentucky.  I honestly could care less and I really wanted to get on with my errands, but I think giving her a couple minutes of eye contact and smiles made her feel seen and heard, and maybe she doesn’t get that very often.  I feel fortunate that I could do that for her as well.

It’s so easy to get bogged down in the mundane details… What do you feel fortunate about in your life?

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Moving beyond fear

sky“If we don’t let ourselves feel, we avoid the depths of our pain – but we also miss out on the depths of our joy and connectedness.  Allow yourself to free fall! Feel what it is to be human – all of it.  We’re all so terrified that if we fall, we’ll never stop.  So we don’t go there.  And in stopping ourselves, we’re impeding our growth.

Embrace the ache.

Breathe in the longing.”

~ Panache Desai

As a recovering control freak, this reminder is helpful for letting go, and I tried to do just that this past week.   My family enjoyed a week in Florida.  There was the time zone change and then the daylight savings change.  There were unplanned adventures, both good and not so good.  It was kind of fun to simply trust that anything and everything that happened, we could handle.  It made it much more fun to accept what is and enjoy it all.

When I had a rare moment alone the last day, sitting at the beach, I realized that I wasn’t letting myself relax and enjoy the surrounding sounds and sights.  I put down my phone and watched the waves.  I thought about our travel experiences.  I felt grateful.  I breathed into it all.

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See what is good

Current work in progress - Choose to see the good

Current work in progress – “Choose to see the good”

Hands Free Life: Nine Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, and Loving More by Rachel Macy Stafford

See What Is Good, the fifth intentional habit of a Hands Free Life, offers a chance to look beyond the outer surface to the heart of what matters most. It is a perspective that allows us to see beyond our distractions, our hang-ups, and our preconceived notions to see the blessings right in front of us. See What Is Good allows us to be an encourager rather than a dictator . . . an original rather than a conformist . . . a bearer of joy rather than a messenger of gloom.

By making it a daily practice to See What Is Good, the joy in your heart has the tendency to overflow. And when it does, you are able to funnel that excess happiness straight into the hearts of those you most want to see smile.


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Writing as metaphor

This is an excerpt from In Other Words, by Jhumpa Lahiri’s linguistic autobiography:

Why do I write? To investigate the mystery of existence.  To tolerate myself.  To get closer to everything that is outside of me.

If I want to understand what moves me, what confuses me, what pains me–everything that makes me react, in short–I have to put it into words.  Writing is my only way of absorbing and organizing life.  Otherwise it would terrify me, it would upset me too much.

What passes without being put into words, without being transformed and, in a certain sense, purified by the crucible of writing, has no meaning for me.  Only words that endure seem real.  They have a power, a value superior to us.

Given that I try to decipher everything through writing, maybe writing in Italian is simply my way of learning the language in a more profound, more stimulating way.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve belonged only to my words.  I don’t have a country, a specific culture.  If I didn’t write, if I didn’t work with words, I wouldn’t feel that I’m present on the earth.

What does a word mean? And a life? In the end, it seems to me, the same thing.  Just as a word can have many dimensions, many nuances, great complexity, so, too, can a person, a life.  Language is the mirror, the principal metaphor.  Because ultimately the meaning of a word, like that of a person, is boundless, ineffable.

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