“Your biography becomes your biology,” Caroline Myss writes in Part I of her classic book,
Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing. She teaches
that each illness and each body organ has its own vibrational pattern. As a medical intuitive, she can identify the emotional, psychological, and physical stress patterns of about 100 different illnesses. (A medical intuitive is someone who can identify the underlying cause to a physical illness by reading the body’s energy.)
Myss’ main point is that our emotions, our choices, and our stresses integrate themselves into our physical bodies, often becoming diseases. Certain emotional or spiritual crises become particular problems in the body. Myss can read a body like a book, determining where someone’s personal power has been weakened. She can examine the energy state of an illness and help treat it’s underlying cause, not just its symptoms.
“All our thoughts… first enter our systems as energy. Those that carry emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual energy produce biological responses that are then stored in our cellular memory.”
Scientists have already identified the speed that our DNA vibrates and have even targeted ways to heal the body using variations of speed. Here’s the idea of medical intuition in a nutshell: “Each illness and each body organ, I learned, has its own “frequency” or vibrational pattern… Just as radio stations operate according to specific energy wavelengths, each organ and system in the body is calibrated to absorb and process specific emotional and psychological energies. That is, each area of the body transmits energy on a specific, detailed frequency, and when we are healthy, all are ‘in tune.’ An area of the body that is not transmitting at its normal frequency indicates the location of a problem. A change in intensity of the frequency indicates a change in the nature and seriousness of the illness and reveals the stress pattern that has contributed to the development of the illness.”
Part II of her book is about the seven power centers in our bodies. She integrates Judaism’s Kabbalah, Christian sacraments, and the chakras into seven universal spiritual truths. Energy is power, and each of the seven energy centers houses a particular set of powers. This section is the majority of the book and it is wholly fascinating. These seven centers regulate the flow of our energy. “They represent the major biological batteries of your emotional biography.” Each energy center houses a specific power, and when you learn about each of them, you know where and why your energy is being drained. I have another post already scheduled with details about these 7 energy centers.
After reading this amazing book, I feel far more conscious of how my emotions are affecting me physically. So much of what are/were my patterns have caused energy depletion. Some days I hardly did anything and yet I was exhausted. Now I know exactly why. I refer to earlier periods of depression but also something as relatively minor as needing gallbladder surgery. All of that pain stemmed from my own untrue judgements, illusions of separation, pressures to conform, and lack of love for myself. Myss could most likely find the cause of a run-of-the-mill headache too.
Think of how this could help people for the betterment of their health if only they’d learn about this!
“All our thoughts, regardless of their content, first enter our systems as energy. Those that carry emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual energy produce biological responses that are then stored in our cellular memory… Accepting the idea that every part of your life—from your physical history to your relationships to every attitude, opinion, and belief you carry inside yourself—affects your biological makeup is only part of the healing process, however. You also have to get that acceptance to move from the mental level into the physical level, into your body, to feel the truth viscerally and cellularly and believe it wholly.”
Of course we can’t blame someone for falling ill, for nobody would consciously choose to create an illness. But sickness develops “as a consequence of behavioral patterns and attitudes that we don’t realize are biologically toxic until they have already become so.” That is what’s in our control. And whereas going to a doctor and following their prescribed treatment is mostly passive, energy healing is 100% active and “an internal process that includes investigating one’s attitudes, memories, and beliefs with the desire to release all negative patterns that prevent one’s full emotional and spiritual recovery. This internal review inevitably leads one to review one’s external circumstances in an effort to recreate one’s life in a way that serves activation of will—the will to see and accept truths about one’s life and how one has used one’s energies; and the will to begin to use energy for the creation of love, self-esteem, and health.”
The thing is, though, you have to want to be healthy. If you feel a sense of power from being unhealthy, there’s not much anyone can help you change.
OH! And a huge helpful aha for me…
“Learn what rather than who draws power from you. Understand that the person who seems to be drawing your energy is actually only a reflection of some part of yourself. For instance, if you are jealous of someone, the important issue for you is not that specific person but the shadow side of your nature as it is reflected in that person. In effect, that person serves as your teacher. Concentrating on the person of whom you are jealous will not heal you. You will only be sent more and more teachers, each more intense than the previous one. Your task is to learn the lesson that the teacher has for you rather than to resent the teacher.”
What do YOU think?