Your everyday life could be much more meaningful.
In a world that is sometimes chaotic, stormy, and nonsensical, it can be reassuring to be part of a community where the weather is sunny and the forecast is upbeat. Often our society overlooks the quiet ones among us in favor of the outgoing. Mainstream parenting magazines can cause us to feel like we are inept for taking time for ourselves or for feeling overwhelmed. News and entertainment focuses on the negative far more than on stories of kindness and compassion.
Poetic Aperture is meant to be a healing respite in such a world. Its archives are stuffed with authentic writing about how to share your kindness in your community, having a sense of humor about raising these little human beings, and expressing yourself authentically and creatively through whatever is meaningful to you. It may inspire you to try something new, whether a hobby or a perspective.
Where do you fit in?
Do you answer “YES!” to any of these questions?
- Are you sensitive, intuitive, and/or introverted?
- Do you try to live a life of kindness, curiosity, and mindfulness?
- Do you want to invite more meaning into your life?
- Do you love to express yourself creatively?
- Are you on a journey of mindful parenting?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, then you belong here! I invite you to join the community here at Poetic Aperture by clicking the Subscribe link below. You will receive each new post in your inbox as soon as it’s published (typically three days a week) for you to enjoy at your leisure. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-2]
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“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.” ~ Michael Nolan
I am a mother, photographer, avid reader and artist. This award-winning blog is a mix of those identities, plus whatever I stumble across that inspires me and that I hope may inspire YOU. I live in Houston, Texas, with my husband, my five-year-old daughter, two cats and two goldfish. I’m pretty sure I’m too complicated to fit in a little “About Me” box. My new obsessions: taking pictures, writing blog posts, putting paint and paper on canvas, and stopping by to visit my favorite blog friends.
Poetic Aperture began 3+ years ago as a way to collect experiences, photography, and reflections that bring me comfort and to help me notice the little things that bring beauty. Now it’s as much a part of my identity as my favorite jeans and my treasured books.
I will often share with you something to lift you up, whether it be a photograph with a lovely quotation, my monthly book report that may lead you to want to read something, or a peek into my latest art project. Each post is meant to help us slow down and live more mindfully. A tool for self-reflection, Poetic Aperture keeps what is important to us at the forefront of our minds. Toss in some humor, maybe a parenting moment or two, and lots of creative projects and you’ve got a recipe for success.
I love photography and how it helps me to notice expressions, nature, hidden things and find that I need it to help me see the world. I write to discover who I am, to foster creativity, and to learn where I’m going. My newish creative outlet, mixed-media, has led me to all sorts of goodness. Sharing these with you here just feels right.
Our creative community needs YOU
I absolutely adore being part of a larger community of creative souls. That what I write here resonates with others is an immeasurable bonus for me. Every time someone takes the time to leave a comment, I feel like clicking my heels together in gleeful abandon.
Reader comments:
- “It’s like opening a little treasure box.“
- “I look forward to your e-mail every day.”
- “I am constantly blown away.”
- “You bring a smile to my inbox every morning.”
Won’t you join us?
I invite you to join the community here at Poetic Aperture by clicking the Subscribe link below. You will receive each new post in your inbox as soon as it’s published (typically three days a week) for you to read at your leisure. I also invite you to share your voice in the comment section of each post so you can feel even more connected to our group of beautiful friends here. I welcome your thoughts and feedback.[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-2]
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I can custom-design website headers, greeting cards, and artwork for you. Please contact me for further details, to collaborate, or for specific commissions.
Purchase fine art prints or greeting cards of my photography and mixed-media artwork in my fine art gallery. You may also purchase any photo published here through my Etsy shop or by contacting me.
(Subliminal message to editors/publishers: I’d love to be a famous writer. Just sayin’.)
I just clicked on your website link in your signature and discovered your wonderful universe that you share with others, and also that we have a lot more in common than our enjoyment of tap dancing. I love your site and plan to visit on a regular basis!! It’s beautiful!
Oh, Sara, you have made my day! Thank you.
UBP14 participant played with all your social media icons and liked, followed, joined and posted all that was available to me. Thanks for sharing some of your wonderful Photographs and inspirational and uplifting measures in helping families be inspired. Beautiful photograph.
Overboard Creations recently posted…Fresh Eggs Daily®: GIVEAWAY: Five-Plant Gardens by Nancy Ondra
Pingback: It’s a party! #UBP13 |
Hi, I’m on the Unravelling course and after reading your comments on going to school I wanted to look at your blog. I love what you do! I have bought so many Buddhism for mothers books ( and never had the time to read them) although I’m struggling with the quieter house and the patience needed in our daily morning rush , I’m hoping for a bit of time to slow down and watch and record our lives much more. I’m inspired by your blog and look forward to reading more,
My Girlie Life (Katie)
Thanks so much for coming to visit! I am just catching up on week 3 of Unravelling today and looking forward to getting back into the discussion boards too.
An artist with a huge heart and a creative mind. “I’m trying to use my life for the most good.” Looks like we share a similar “obscession.” I always enjoyed taking pictures but it was when I discovered blogging that I realized that it was more than just a hobby. It is in fact a passion. I try to capture life now with images and words. One day, we can all look back and remember how beautiful life was. It is also one of our priceless gift to our children. When they are all grown, they have these posts to go back and celebrate their childhood all over again. Thank you and wishing you and your family all the best.
Oh, I definitely agree. I started this when my daughter was born because I knew I was missing key moments of life and would want to re-live them when all was calm. It has changed how I see time and space and my environment and where I am in life. I think the scrapbooks I make are more for me than for her, but I know she’ll be fascinated by her cuteness someday.
I’ve only popped in for a moment but I can see there is a lot to learn here. Your blog is both beautiful and interesting and I would love to come and visit again…
So happy you came by, Cheryl. Come again soon.
Hi Naomi!
Just want to say; I LOVE your blog!
Found it through Reflection of you, and you are a true inspiration!
Hope to get my own blog going soon… =)
All the best!
Marie, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!! I am giddy over here.
Hi Naomi!
Just have to say, I LOVE your blog!!
Just found it through Reflection of you, and you are really an inspiration for me, hope to get my own wp blog going soon…
All the best!
Marie, I’m so glad you stopped by to visit! Let me know when you’re up and running so I may follow you…
Thank you so much for checking out my blog. Your photos are beautiful. I am always surprised when my little iphone camera catchings something special. I don’t consider myself much of a photographer but perhaps we all have it in us. Glad to be connected.
Naomi, This is wonderful, I need to come back and visit some more!
Please do! Thanks, Sue.
Hello Naomi – I saw that you stopped-by my blog today (it seems that we might have a friend in common). Thank you for letting me know that you were there.
I think I have found a new place to stop and visit…what beautiful photos and words.
I will be following….
I did! Such gorgeous images. I was happy to find a new blog to follow too.
I will look forward to your visits…and thank you for your nice words!
Hi Naomi. I’ve been enjoying your blog posts for awhile now (mostly lurking).
I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award (see this link for details:
The “terms” of receipt are included in that post. I know that some folks see this sort of thing as a nuisance rather than an honor and, while I don’t feel that way I can understand why others might, so if you’d prefer not to deal with it, as far as I’m concerned, simply disregard the whole thing.
I am so honored you thought of me for this, Kerry. Thank you SO MUCH!
I’m so glad we’ll be spending some time together.
Wow Naomi!!! So happy for you! This is so wonderful! You have reinvented yourself with heart and spirit! I so admire what you are doing with your life. Hannah is a lucky daughter to have you as her role model! oxox
Thank you, Lori!
you don’t mention what a wonderfully creative person you are, or what a terrific and supportive friend you are. i think these attributes are important to embrace because they help to explain you as a person.
Thank you, my dear!