About me
Welcome and thank you for visiting! I’m Naomi – a mother, writer, creative soul, and avid reader. I aim to share my thoughts and ideas to inspire positive change that will help you live an authentic and caring life.
Poetic Aperture is for me and for you. I often write just to process the swirling activity inside, but I also hope to inspire COMPASSION, COURAGE, and WONDER in you and support you on your journey of elevating the everyday.
I am a rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. I am fortunate to have an amazing 15-year-old daughter and a supportive husband of 22 years.
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… reading in bed, candles, diving into a new project, learning something new, crisp crunchy leaves underfoot, hearing my daughter laugh, starting a new book, finishing a book, organizing, floating on my back in the pool and staring at the sky, writing, craft supplies, photography, poetry, a good massage, knowing smiles, singing along to the radio, getting things done, comfy bedding, hot chocolate, paying attention to the details, libraries and bookstores, campfires, astronomy, finding beauty in the everyday, impromptu road trips, quiet, journaling, learning about myself, waking up and reading in bed (preferably with coffee), home, interesting flowers, affection, Sleepytime tea, capturing a moment in time with my camera, true laughter, soft rain.
“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.” ~ Michael Nolan
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Tag Archives: decluttering
KonMari-ing my space
With much in life out of our control, it’s nice to focus on something that you can change. I have to say that “tidying” keeps me from wasting time and energy on things I can’t control. I can control what possessions I own and can decide to keep only the ones I truly need and love. I can control how I arrange my things so they bring me the most joy. Decluttering is a simple way to profoundly influence our space and our spirit. I would even say it’s self-care in a weird way. There is an obvious connection between our physical surroundings and our mental/emotional feelings. Continue reading
You are what you own (or, an experiment in decluttering methods)
Every New Year, lots of people (probably mostly in North America) set some type of organization or decluttering goal. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. For me, I’ve always loved getting my belongings into a pretty-looking storage container of some sort. … Continue reading
Too much… another post about clutter
Since writing this post early last week, there have been more discoveries that I look forward to sharing with you. The main point: ENJOY your life. Thoughts can be clutter too. Too much stuff. Too many commitments. Too many comparisons. … Continue reading
Wrapping up a transformative year
Am I the same person I was this time last year? Hopefully we’ve all changed for the better. There have been big a few deep shifts and realizations for me that I’d like to share with you, including some links to my … Continue reading
October books
There were a few days when I thought I wasn’t even going to have read enough to warrant a report, let alone devouring 12 books! Here’s what I read and enjoyed in October: Clutterfree with Kids: Change your thinking. Discover … Continue reading
Soulful home: respecting your limitations
Art prints available here. A friend of mine told me that all the STUFF in her home was starting to crowd her and was causing her to feel stuck, trapped, and overwhelmed. She has boxes and boxes of wedding gifts … Continue reading