About me
Welcome and thank you for visiting! I’m Naomi – a mother, writer, creative soul, and avid reader. I aim to share my thoughts and ideas to inspire positive change that will help you live an authentic and caring life.
Poetic Aperture is for me and for you. I often write just to process the swirling activity inside, but I also hope to inspire COMPASSION, COURAGE, and WONDER in you and support you on your journey of elevating the everyday.
I am a rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. I am fortunate to have an amazing 15-year-old daughter and a supportive husband of 22 years.
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… reading in bed, candles, diving into a new project, learning something new, crisp crunchy leaves underfoot, hearing my daughter laugh, starting a new book, finishing a book, organizing, floating on my back in the pool and staring at the sky, writing, craft supplies, photography, poetry, a good massage, knowing smiles, singing along to the radio, getting things done, comfy bedding, hot chocolate, paying attention to the details, libraries and bookstores, campfires, astronomy, finding beauty in the everyday, impromptu road trips, quiet, journaling, learning about myself, waking up and reading in bed (preferably with coffee), home, interesting flowers, affection, Sleepytime tea, capturing a moment in time with my camera, true laughter, soft rain.
“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.” ~ Michael Nolan
What can I help you find?
Tag Archives: mindfulness
Self-compassion September: what we resist persists
Let’s say you get stuck in an unexpected traffic jam and you are on a rigid timeframe. Maybe you’re on your way to the airport and don’t want to miss your flight. Are you mentally or literally screaming “NO! … Continue reading
Self-compassion September: some failure is good
“When we honor human experience by embracing imperfection, we see what unites us with other human beings.” ~ Kristin Neff “No matter what they show on the outside, everyone has a story that will break your heart.” ~ Brene Brown I wonder if … Continue reading
Sometimes you just need time to veg
This is my sidekick, Mo, and this is where he and I have been hanging out the past few days. We head out to our new sunroom and we sit, he in the sun, watching the birds and the squirrels … Continue reading
Remembering how to breathe
“If you ever find yourself empty from something you cannot know or name, find a stretch of ocean, a field, or mountainside, or even clouds, or trees. Because there are 1,000 simple ways to fill your tired soul so you … Continue reading
Start with noticing
For 38 years now, I have thought that external events and people shaped my life and that I was living within the small framework of my ability to respond to those events. I could give you endless examples of how … Continue reading
Healing through authenticity, empathy, and mindfulness: Life Book recap
July (Authenticity), August (Empathy), and September (Mindfulness) in Life Book 2013 focused on the overarching theme of Healing. I got WAY behind after my daughter’s summer camp program ended in mid-July and so I’ve finally caught up and would love … Continue reading