About me
Welcome and thank you for visiting! I’m Naomi – a mother, writer, creative soul, and avid reader. I aim to share my thoughts and ideas to inspire positive change that will help you live an authentic and caring life.
Poetic Aperture is for me and for you. I often write just to process the swirling activity inside, but I also hope to inspire COMPASSION, COURAGE, and WONDER in you and support you on your journey of elevating the everyday.
I am a rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. I am fortunate to have an amazing 15-year-old daughter and a supportive husband of 22 years.
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… reading in bed, candles, diving into a new project, learning something new, crisp crunchy leaves underfoot, hearing my daughter laugh, starting a new book, finishing a book, organizing, floating on my back in the pool and staring at the sky, writing, craft supplies, photography, poetry, a good massage, knowing smiles, singing along to the radio, getting things done, comfy bedding, hot chocolate, paying attention to the details, libraries and bookstores, campfires, astronomy, finding beauty in the everyday, impromptu road trips, quiet, journaling, learning about myself, waking up and reading in bed (preferably with coffee), home, interesting flowers, affection, Sleepytime tea, capturing a moment in time with my camera, true laughter, soft rain.
“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.” ~ Michael Nolan
What can I help you find?
Tag Archives: women
Wanderlust at home: November books
November was so full I don’t know how I read anything! Now the school book fair is over (smashing success), the kitty is healthy, the new car is purchased, the house guests are gone, and the neighborhood party complete (another … Continue reading
Life in the fast lane: women don’t play
“I don’t think it is too much to say that play can save your life. It certainly has salvaged mine. Life without play is a grinding, mechanical existence organized around doing the things necessary for survival. Play is the stick … Continue reading
Life in the fast lane: relationship equity
“In my world of crashing work deadlines, , teacher phone calls, late Girl Scout forms, forgotten water bills, kids’ stomachaches, and empty cupboards, all I could think was this: Man, all he has to do every day is go to … Continue reading
Uncovering your deepest dreams
print available here “We are not trying to become a better version of ourselves. Instead, we begin to uncover the person whom we have forgotten we already are.” I read a book last month that sparked a huge “aha” moment for … Continue reading
26 acts of kindness: the paper bag project
Jo Anna of The Receiving Project launched The Brown Paper Bag Project in December to inspire creative acts of giving. I saw it on Facebook. She asked for anyone who was interested in getting a brown paper bag in the mail … Continue reading
Photo Friday: tulips
The randomly chosen winner of the Freeset tote bag is Susan (check out her website here), who wrote: “New skills. New life. Giving women a chance. The world will never know peace until every one of us is valued and … Continue reading